Man charged $81,400,836,908 for gas

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Man charged $81,400,836,908 for gas
By Miko - 02-27-2009 09:50 PM
Originally Posted at: Dead Parrot Tavern



The Dead Parrot Tavern - The Dead Parrot Tavern is a community forum for the discussion of the golden age of piracy, pirate fests, ren faires, science fiction, fantasy and horror with news, info, calendars of events, message boards, and more! We welcome all to our shores!
Man charged $81,400,836,908 for gas
By Miko - 02-27-2009 09:50 PM
Originally Posted at: Dead Parrot Tavern


The Dead Parrot Tavern - The Dead Parrot Tavern is a community forum for the discussion of the golden age of piracy, pirate fests, ren faires, science fiction, fantasy and horror with news, info, calendars of events, message boards, and more! We welcome all to our shores!

I'll bet he was driving an SUV.

That would explain everything.

First the environment, now this.

Gas guzzling bastards.


(read: sarcasm)
Initially, Mr. Zamora thought it mustÂ’ve been a joke. But after contacting PayPal customer service he was surprised to see that the company treated it as anything but a laughing matter.
“Somebody from a foreign country who spoke in broken English argued with me for 10 to 15 minutes,” Zamora said. ” ‘Did you get the gas?’ he asked. Like I had to prove that I didn’t pump $81,400,836,908 in gas!”

Note to self, PayPal Financial Services ain't all that.
Was he at the Mobil down the street from me? They're up to $2.35/gal.
Watch your utility use as well....

Xcel's million-dollar misprint a shock

written by: Tom McGhee, Denver Post, posted by: Sara Gandy

AURORA - Jittilak Chaivann relies on her bank to automatically pay the bills for her Aurora restaurant. But the $1.28 million bill that came this month from Xcel Energy swamped her account and threw her into a panic.
The way energy prices were going last summer, I thought we were heading for something like this.

The customer should have paid in Zimbabwean dollars.

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