Man arrested for threatening cops online

Bob Hubbard

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Man arrested for threatening cops online

Jeffrey Weaver, 48, admitted making threatening remarks about both police officers when he was arrested earlier this month saying he was “angry” when he wrote the comments on the Web site, an FBI agent wrote in a report.
Using the tagline, “F—ThePIGS,” Weaver wrote several messages threatening to kill Mehserle and other officers who have killed people. The threat against the Virginia police officer came after the officer Tased a 17-year-old boy who died from the electric shock.
Weaver is accused of posting three threats after Mehserle killed Oscar Grant III of Hayward on New YearÂ’s Day.
In the first post before Mehserle was identified as the police officer who killed Grant, Weaver wrote, “F- the pigs and if I find out who the pigs is then I will kill the pig who killed him.”

I'm all for discussing and debating law enforcement actions, however I agree with Mr. Miller in that "All IÂ’m about is asserting my rights to shoot police officers with cameras. Nothing more or nothing less."

For the record, any threats made against any law enforcement official, politician, or anyone is subject to ban, and report to the proper law enforcement agency. MT and I will cooperate with any such investigations within the requirements of the law.
To me, this sounds alot like bruised ego's. Police men should have thicker hides and shrug off the filth they get thrown at their head.

He did say that he was going to kill them, so he breached the law.
Would you get the same stuff for just saying: to hell with the bastards? (I'm a vegan, so I refuse to compare cute animals to humans :) )
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To me, this sounds alot like bruised ego's. Police men should have thicker hides and shrug off the filth they get thrown at their head.

The crime is against society, not against the police officers against whom the threats were made. He could have made the threat against the corner grocer; the crime is still the same. The officers he threatened could very well shrug it off, but it is not them bringing charges.
"F-the police" is different from "I am going to find officer Jones and kill him". And as Bill said the FBI brought the charges so it's not the individual officers who put the case together.
The crime is against society, not against the police officers against whom the threats were made. He could have made the threat against the corner grocer; the crime is still the same. The officers he threatened could very well shrug it off, but it is not them bringing charges.
I know, that is why I said that he breached the law (if that is the correct expression)...

I was still thinking about the topic I made when I said that about bruised ego's. Seems a bit out of place now that I reread it. My bad
I know, that is why I said that he breached the law (if that is the correct expression)...

I was still thinking about the topic I made when I said that about bruised ego's. Seems a bit out of place now that I reread it. My bad

Hey, it's cool. I once flipped off President Bush, Sr. To his face. I always wondered why I didn't get arrested for that, but there you go. Not the same as threatening violence.
Thought I saw an article a while back where the SS gave someone a hard time for doing that to Cheney. Might have been Gore. Dunno.
There are restrictions on free speech in any environment. According to this article, Weaver (the defendant) said
"Maybe I should drive to Martinsville with my 9mm Glock and some Teflon coated armor-piercing Black Rhino hollow point rounds and do the world a favor by ridding the world of this piece of s--- pig," the message read.
"If I find out who the pig is then I will kill the pig who killed him," Weaver wrote on Jan. 5, according to the complaint.

A short time later, the address of one of the police officers involved in the shooting was posted to the Web site.

"Thanks for the address," the next post read. "Now that I know who he is and where he is it's only a matter of time." The complaint quoted Weaver as saying he planned to kill the officer's wife and child before killing him.

"This isn't a threat it's a f------ promise," the message continued.

It's hard to read those as anything but deliberate threats, transmitted across state lines via the internet. Charges seem legit. And the comments definitely are a lot worse than "the cops who did <this> should be killed!" or similar comments. They evidence a plan and method... Kind of worrisome, no?

There's a lot of things cops are expected to put up with that an ordinary civilian wouldn't be expected to. Specific threats with some evidence of the ability to carry it out or at least a specific plan aren't one of them.

I did it before the song - I always thought somebody heard about it and wrote me into the song.

It was in the late '80's, and the Colorado Convention Center was opening in downtown Denver. I was driving west on Colfax and a motorcycle cop stopped all lanes of traffic in front of the Rocky Mountain News building. I asked him what was going on and he said that President Bush's motorcade was coming from the convention center. I asked if I could stand there with him and he said sure.

The motorcade arrived, I saw lots of limos, but it was easy to pick out President Bush's limo - the roofline was lots taller. As the limo turned to make the curve from 14th onto Colfax, I saw President Bush inside, waving to the crowd (mostly just stopped vehicle drivers like me who got curious and got out of their cars). On impulse, I flipped him off. He saw me, his face got really angry looking and his hand came down.

The motorcycle cop standing next to me said "I don't believe you just did that," and I said "I don't either, actually. Am I under arrest?" He said, "For what?" He shook his head like he was disgusted with me.

I got back in my truck and left as soon as the motorcycle cop cleared the road. Some guy in the car next to me flipped me off as I left. I was a bit dazed over the whole thing. Spur of the moment thing, it just seemed like the right thing to do at the moment.

The Secret Service was taking photos of the crowd as the cars went past. My photo is probably in some government database somewhere for that. With circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back.
Thought I saw an article a while back where the SS gave someone a hard time for doing that to Cheney. Might have been Gore. Dunno.

I was living in Kenosha, Wisconsin and working in Chicago when some couple got arrested when President Clinton was at Taste of Chicago and the husband said "You suck!" right to President Clinton's face during a handshake line. He was tackled by the Secret Service and his wife, who tried to intervene, got beat up pretty good. Both were charged, I do not recall the outcome of the event.

Apparently you can flip off the president, but you can't tell him he sucks. At least not to his face.
Hey, it's cool. I once flipped off President Bush, Sr. To his face. I always wondered why I didn't get arrested for that, but there you go. Not the same as threatening violence.

Had you been arrested, the fact that the President mooned you in retaliation would've come to light......
I did it before the song - I always thought somebody heard about it and wrote me into the song.

Sidebar: The original lyrics to the song were "I just shot President George". That line didn't receive a very warm response, so the band changed the lyrics to "I just flipped off President George"

Sorry Bill, it wasn't about you. :lol:
Sidebar: The original lyrics to the song were "I just shot President George". That line didn't receive a very warm response, so the band changed the lyrics to "I just flipped off President George"

Sorry Bill, it wasn't about you. :lol:

But I thought everything was about me!

I'm so disappointed now.

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