Made it to Germany!


Purple Belt
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Hey All, just wanted to let you know that I made it to Germany! We've been here for a month now, but finally got settled in. As for Tang Soo Do, I haven't had the chance to look, but will very soon. As for practicing, I started back this week, and boy am I rusty. I do have to say, I remember how all of my forms go except for one, and I will get it back soon. Sorry I haven't been on in a while and will get more involved again very soon.

Tang Soo

Chris glad you made it and I am sure you will find a good place to train.
I wondered how you were doing Mech :tup:. Good to hear you're okay.
I'll second Terry's request for pics. Glad you made it there and have settled in well. Keep us posted on how things are going.
Germany is great. There is so much to do there. Not only that but you are centrally located to visit other fun countries. I spent 10 years in Germany and had a blast. I hope you get to have the same fun i did. In a martial arts side note..i began my TSD training there. The post i took classes at has closed though. I'm not sure where to point you for training now-a-days.

Cool, glad you made it safe and sound and are getting settled in!
Yea I have him as a friend and those pics are wonderful

That's how I found them too. I didn't recognize the guy on the first page. You guys must have found them too while my internet was down.

(I forgot to quote him, the last comment was for Chris and anyone else that wants to find them)
Hahahahaha, Thanks Buzzy, I didn't realize that she was missing the "E" in blue. LOL. Now I gotta go give her a hard time!! BRB
Hi Chris,

I was wondering how you and your wife were doing! Sounds like a new adventure, sounds like fun. I hope you find a dojang soon.
Hey All, well, so far in my search online for schools here in Germany, I have narrowed it down to 2 possiblities. One is under the German Tang Soo Do Federation under GM Benedetto Stumpf about an 1.5hrs away and then the other is World Tang Soo Do under GM Jae C Shin which is around an hour 10min away. We'll see. I'm going to get in contact this week and possibly check them both out next week. The only issue is, is that I'm in Germany and I know VERY LITTLE GERMAN!! Yes, a lot of them can speak English, but not as many as you think. Be more updates to come next week on this.
I think you'd be good in either of those places....though I obviously haven't seen the schools, they have good reputations!
Yeah, I know I would be in good hands under the WTSDA just not sure about the German TSD Fed. I'm just scared b/c the GM of that fed that also runs that school, has GM ranking in like 2 other styles. Not to say it's wrong, but just seems odd to me. But that could just be me.
As far as I know, Master Stumpf has a pretty good reputation. He now runs the World TSD Congress (previously GM Byrnes' organization). I see that he is very highly ranked in some other style and I don't know if some of that wasn't honorary or not....but then, the dude has been training since he was 4 - and he's OLD now. I would believe it. I think you'd be in good hands there.