New to Tang Soo Do and Martial Talk!!


Purple Belt
Hey everyone, I just wanted to say HEY and am looking forward to getting to chat with some of you too. As the title does state, I am new to Martial Talk as of now and I just started training in Tang Soo Do about 2 weeks ago. Any insights or links of that sort would be greatly appreciated. Don't worry, I am not a baby to martial arts. I have studied Wado Ryu Karate when I was in elementary school and Chung Sil Taekwondo a few years ago and a fast learner to it all.

Welcome Chris, see you tomorrow morning!

Mods - can we move this to Meet and Greet for Chris?
Greetings, Chris, it's good to have you with us!
Hey there and welcome to MT! Make sure you stop over at the Meet and Greet section and introduce yourself. First coffee is on me!
Hi, welcome to MT and TSD! I did Wado first which I loved then TSD. You will find TSD relatively easy as much of it is very similiar, the hyungs especially. Wado has a lot more stances, it also has jumping and jumping scissor kicks whereas TSD has just scissor kicks which they call jumping kicks! I think I may get shot down here lol but I think Wado is more intricate than TSD, I do enjoy it though!
Welcome to MT, and Tang Soo! I'm JT, 2nd dan in ITF-style TSD (MDK-style, except for a few forms).

Just remember that in TSD, we kick high and often, so balance, stance, and technique are all in any other serious martial art. ;)
Welcome to MT, and welcome to Tang Soo Do, remember not to rush it, A fine fine wine takes a long time.
Hi Chris,

I'm new to martial arts and Tang Soo Do (Moo Duk Kwan). I've just begun my fourth week of training and love it.

I wish I could provide more links for you.

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