MA training saves the day - no fighting involved


2nd Black Belt
So this weekend I am at a friends house for a small get together. As I am leaving, I pick up my 4 year old daughter, and start walking down the blacktop driveway. Walking forward and looking to the side to wave goodbye to friends. At the same time, the 4 year old son of one of said friends rides his little car directly in front of / underneath my feet. Feet caught up with him and the car, no way to step anyplace. So here I am, holding my daughter, falling / stumbling staight forward toward the driveway. I turn to the side and land on my thigh/hip/butt/side. My daughter on top of me instead of underneath, like when the fall started. Niether of us hurt in the slightest. Not too badly executed of a side breakfall if I do say so myself. The crowd goes wild. Well, not exaclty, but onloockers did seem mildly impressed with my falling ability, LOL.

So maybe all those rolls and breakfalls that I have have been praciting several times a week for the last couple years are actually worthwhile.

Who knows, maybe they had nothing to do with this at all.

Then again, maybe they did.
ginshun said:
So this weekend I am at a friends house for a small get together. As I am leaving, I pick up my 4 year old daughter, and start walking down the blacktop driveway. Walking forward and looking to the side to wave goodbye to friends. At the same time, the 4 year old son of one of said friends rides his little car directly in front of / underneath my feet. Feet caught up with him and the car, no way to step anyplace. So here I am, holding my daughter, falling / stumbling staight forward toward the driveway. I turn to the side and land on my thigh/hip/butt/side. My daughter on top of me instead of underneath, like when the fall started. Niether of us hurt in the slightest. Not too badly executed of a side breakfall if I do say so myself. The crowd goes wild. Well, not exaclty, but onloockers did seem mildly impressed with my falling ability, LOL.

So maybe all those rolls and breakfalls that I have have been praciting several times a week for the last couple years are actually worthwhile.

Who knows, maybe they had nothing to do with this at all.

Then again, maybe they did.

Definitely good job on protecting your precious one. Yes I think your weeks of practice helped. Your training has made everything you learned a natural part of your body's reactions.

I've found that my training has helped me in a number of non-MA situations. I was cruising down a long hill enroute home from work on my bike. Had to been going about 35-40 mph because I was keeping pace with a car and the speed-limit is 40 mph (4 lane street). Going okay until about half way down crossed an intersection and hit a bump, at the same time my hat decided to fly off and by reflex I reached up to grab my hat... next thing I know I'm sitting on my *** some 10 feet away from where my bike and I caught air.
I remember going *** over tea-kettle over the handlebars and hitting the ground with my left shoulder, then finding myself in a sitting position.
I don't wear a helmet for bike-riding (I know I know :rolleyes: ) but my head was fine. Going over the accident in my head sitting in the E.R. I must've done that tuck and roll maneuver when I went over the handle bars.
I ended up with 7 stitches in my right elbow.
Interesting wound... the skin had to have busted open as the fleece jacket I was wearing didn't show any signs of tearing or holes or anything, just a scuff mark where my elbow hit, likewise very little or no blood. Also interesting... not as much pain. Aside from a couple of small scrapes here there no other injuries.
I have to credit MA training for the minimal injuries I sustained in what would've been a really nasty accident. Seeing at the last possible second what was going to happen and my body reacting almost naturally to being flipped over to land with little hurt... :idunno:
My bike survived as well. I don't go cruising down hills like I used to anymore. :uhyeah:
I'm tellin' ya those falls and rolls are the aspects of MA training that will be the most likely to come in handy. My youngest daughter kept from cracking her head on some pavement during a skateboard accident by doing a good front fall. I fell off a two story roof and landed flat of my back. Training took over, I emptied my lungs on the way down and "attempted" to slap out. Could have been injured alot worse than I was and the doc seemed convinced that remembering to empty my lungs kept the impact from popping my lungs like balloons.
Good stories.

Like I said, I don't know if my training had anything to do with the outcome or if it was mearly a natural instinct to protect my daughter. I'd like to think that all that rolling and what not played at least a small part in us both coming out of it no worse for wear though.

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