Black Belt
This has probably been done before, if so, I my apologies to those who are annoyed by re-posting. My question deals with everybody's views on the promotion systems that various MAs use to rank their student. Coming from a Muay Thai background, we never had anything like that. I started when I was fifteen; at sixteen I received my advanced certificate, which basically meant that I could train with the other advanced students. Aside from straight training, the only other thing to do is get your amateur license, then your professional license, and finally, your teaching license.
I met someone a couple of days ago, and just through getting to know them, the subject of my return to serious training came up. She said something like: "Oh, really?, what belt are you?" Then I had to explain the whole situation, which, I believe, she perceived meant that MT was not a legit art, because there were no belts. Now, I realize that this is a situation involving somebody who's naive with respect to MA, but I'd imagine that belts/rank can become a bit of a distraction, as it seems to be a major focal point of the respective art.
So, for those of you who practice arts with this type of promotion/ranking system, how do you feel about the system? Is it a distraction, either for yourself or for others in your gym/dojo? Does the ranking system allow you to "pull rank," or anything of the sort. Seems like the belt system would definitely cater to the "ego" in most of us, you know, where bragging rights are concerned. I realize my MAists realize their ability and are somewhat humbled by it, but do you think the coveted "black belt" leads to arrogance in some cases?
I started wrestling and MT as a teenager; the only way that we had to represent our ability was, well. . .our ability, and there was no animosity based on rank. Sorry for the long post.
I met someone a couple of days ago, and just through getting to know them, the subject of my return to serious training came up. She said something like: "Oh, really?, what belt are you?" Then I had to explain the whole situation, which, I believe, she perceived meant that MT was not a legit art, because there were no belts. Now, I realize that this is a situation involving somebody who's naive with respect to MA, but I'd imagine that belts/rank can become a bit of a distraction, as it seems to be a major focal point of the respective art.
So, for those of you who practice arts with this type of promotion/ranking system, how do you feel about the system? Is it a distraction, either for yourself or for others in your gym/dojo? Does the ranking system allow you to "pull rank," or anything of the sort. Seems like the belt system would definitely cater to the "ego" in most of us, you know, where bragging rights are concerned. I realize my MAists realize their ability and are somewhat humbled by it, but do you think the coveted "black belt" leads to arrogance in some cases?
I started wrestling and MT as a teenager; the only way that we had to represent our ability was, well. . .our ability, and there was no animosity based on rank. Sorry for the long post.