
Well, I thought I'd introduce myself. Hello, my name is Miguel. I'm rather new here, so if I seem a bit quiet, I'm merely trying to think of an intelligent response.
Welcome Miguel to the best MA forum on the net!

Don't worry about sounding intelligent, ask lots of questions and get into the discussion. We are a friendly bunch and here to help whenever and however we can. Have fun.

Mcura said:
Well, I thought I'd introduce myself. Hello, my name is Miguel. I'm rather new here, so if I seem a bit quiet, I'm merely trying to think of an intelligent response.

Glad to have you here, Miguel!
KenpoTess said:
Alright as of Today, February 23, 2006.. we have 407 Lurkers......... What's the matter?

Come out and Talk~!!!


I was a lurker for two years on one web site, submitting articles before I decided to join the discussion forum on that site. I think it is very reasonable to browse around for a while before posting, if only to get the 'feel' of the board.

I speak from some experience. I am an administrator of one bulletin board and a moderator on another, large, general martial arts forum and I am well aware that each forum has its own unique character, attracting posters that range from the seriously experienced to the lunatic fringe.

I discovered this board by chance, saw that my name was mentioned on some forum and erroneous information posted about me. So I immediately became a member and corrected the false information.

But I think that lurking before posting has some importance.

Best wishes,
I am new to the site but not necessarily MA. I agree, some are ready to disagree. That is healthy debate. Kudos to healthy debate. One should always ask questions to try and improve.
Hi! I'm just starting to get into martial arts.For self defense and exercise.:lurk: I like figure skating.My fave is Elvis Stojko.
Come on out and Post~! There are great people here, don't be timid, We don't Bite -vampfeed- Hard


Speak for yourself Tess...JUST KIDDING....Come on out and make yourselves known and make some friends...
Hi! I'm just starting to get into martial arts.For self defense and exercise.:lurk: I like figure skating.My fave is Elvis Stojko.

Welcome! Don't hide now. ;) Hope you enjoy the board, feel free to ask any questions you have. :)
Hey all, I've been keeping myself restricted to the Muay Thai forums for a while, I've already received some awesome information on how to improve my out of class training on MT, though I figured it was time to say hi to the mainstream & learn a little more about what everyone else is doing. See you all around.
Hey all, I've been keeping myself restricted to the Muay Thai forums for a while, I've already received some awesome information on how to improve my out of class training on MT, though I figured it was time to say hi to the mainstream & learn a little more about what everyone else is doing. See you all around.

Hey there. :) Yep, lots of other forums to explore. Enjoy!