Lower Back Ache


2nd Black Belt
Well, I have been having lower back pain for the last 3 days now. I would have this back pain every 3-4 months and it would last for about a week. So, this is not the first time that this has happened. This time, the pain is much more painful than in the previous appearances. The pain is in the middle lower back just above my tailbone. I went to the doctor yesterday and he had me get x-rays done to make sure that my spine was ok. The x-rays were negative and he said that everything looks normal. So, I am trying to see what may be causing the pain? I thought about getting a deep tissue massage or going to a chiropractor.

So, what does everyone else think? Is there a doctor in the house?

Please let me know what your opinions are, thanks.
Well, you can try a massage, but if it's been a recurring problem see a chiropractor. My husband injured his back years ago. It was very painful for him. He actually lost an inch in height and you could see the *crook* in his lower back, so it was really bad. He finally saw a chiropractor. After a few months of treatment along with some exercises for home, he was able to stop the office visits. He still does the exercises with some regularity, his back hasn't bothered him since and it looks straight now. Sometimes if he goes too long without doing the back exercises it starts to get sore again so he picks up the routine again. It's only a matter of 5 or 10 minutes in the morning and evening to do the job.

Good luck and keep us posted.
I use to get severe lower back pain - so i know how debilitating it can be.

What i would suggest is heading to a physio - but chiro will do, i just prefer the physio. Doctors are generally only any good at dealing with broken bones when it comes to back pain - physios generally look for the cause, such as weak back muscles etc.
If nothing else they should be able to dramatically reduce the pain within a session or two. But make sure you ask for exercises to strengthen your back (but probably don't start them until your pain free....).

At the end of the day, pain is bad. It's your body telling you something is wrong. So keep making appointments till someone can tell you how to fix it.

Best of luck
Well, I have been having lower back pain for the last 3 days now. I would have this back pain every 3-4 months and it would last for about a week. So, this is not the first time that this has happened. This time, the pain is much more painful than in the previous appearances. The pain is in the middle lower back just above my tailbone. I went to the doctor yesterday and he had me get x-rays done to make sure that my spine was ok. The x-rays were negative and he said that everything looks normal. So, I am trying to see what may be causing the pain? I thought about getting a deep tissue massage or going to a chiropractor.

So, what does everyone else think? Is there a doctor in the house?

Please let me know what your opinions are, thanks.

Start doing heavy squats.
I am practicing martial arts in the Bushido school near my home and found that for me the best advice is to listen to the pain and try to talk with it as is explained here.
Massages are great but if you have the same problem time after time there might be something your body tries to tell you and it is a good idea to listen.
Well, I have been having lower back pain for the last 3 days now. I would have this back pain every 3-4 months and it would last for about a week. So, this is not the first time that this has happened. This time, the pain is much more painful than in the previous appearances. The pain is in the middle lower back just above my tailbone. I went to the doctor yesterday and he had me get x-rays done to make sure that my spine was ok. The x-rays were negative and he said that everything looks normal. So, I am trying to see what may be causing the pain? I thought about getting a deep tissue massage or going to a chiropractor.

So, what does everyone else think? Is there a doctor in the house?

Please let me know what your opinions are, thanks.

Go to a specialist if you have not already. I was miss diagnosed for years until I got to one that knew what the Hell he was talking about, but I was in the hospital by that time.

Is the pain just in the back or does it go down the legs or radiate anyplace else?

X-Rays will not tell you much if it is a disk issue that requires an MRI or a CT-Scan.

You could do what I do, acupuncture it helps me but then I am married to am OMD from China so it is easy for me.
Is the pain just in the back or does it go down the legs or radiate anyplace else?

The pain is in the back. The legs are fine. I walk with no problem, go up and down stairs with no problem. Only when I bend forward, does it hurt.
I am NOT a doctor. See a medical professional for help.

If you see a physical therapist or a chiropractor have them check your sacrum. This may be out of alignment.

A massage does not have to be a deep tissue to be effective. The soft tissue manipulation will relax the muscles, but this may or may not fix the source (but will relieve the pain for awhile).

Ask your friends or family for a recommended PT or Chiropractor.

If you place your hands close to your pain you will probably feel heat coming off. Check to see other areas heat is coming off.
Just got back from the chiro. He gave me some PT with the electrodes for 10 min and that felt gooood! Afterwards, he adjusted me. I dont think I ever heard my back pop like a machine gun! He was telling me that 90% of the time the pain I have is "mechanical" and just needs adjustment. He was telling me that if the pain has not subsided, he then said that an MRI will be needed. He also told me to get a message, so I have an appt tomorrow for that.
Glad to hear that you are feeling better.

Do you know what type of massage he recommended?

Also after your massage drink plenty of water (not juice, not soda...WATER).
If you forget to drink water you will feel like you had a bad cold with stiff muscles.

If you massage therapist does not stretch you, make sure you stretch yourself. This will assist in your massage holding for a longer time.

Not all chiropractors or massage therapist are the same. Some are good, others are wonderful. See other medical professionals.

Hopefully you found a medical professional that can go to the source and give you advice to avoid this from happening again and also show you how to maintain good health.

Also be aware that sometimes on your way toward health you may experience a set back before you reach full health.
Do you know what type of massage he recommended?

Also after your massage drink plenty of water (not juice, not soda...WATER).
If you forget to drink water you will feel like you had a bad cold with stiff muscles.

If you massage therapist does not stretch you, make sure you stretch yourself. This will assist in your massage holding for a longer time.

I dont know what type, but I do know I am scheduled with the massage therapist that works in his office. Thanks for the advice about drinking lots of water and stretching. I have had full body massages before and am well aware of the drinking of lots of water.
Well, I have been having lower back pain for the last 3 days now. I would have this back pain every 3-4 months and it would last for about a week. So, this is not the first time that this has happened. This time, the pain is much more painful than in the previous appearances. The pain is in the middle lower back just above my tailbone. I went to the doctor yesterday and he had me get x-rays done to make sure that my spine was ok. The x-rays were negative and he said that everything looks normal. So, I am trying to see what may be causing the pain? I thought about getting a deep tissue massage or going to a chiropractor.

So, what does everyone else think? Is there a doctor in the house?

Please let me know what your opinions are, thanks.

Well I have had a sore back but this was due to pulling the muscle and I think I even tore it as it has taken 2 weeks to heal. I had a deep massage and that really helped.

Are you sure you haven't pulled anything, if you think you might have , put some ice on it as that has help alot also.
I had the exact same pain you describe and I thought I was injured. Everytime I did a backbend I felt pain there. I finally realized it wasn't an injury. I just stretched too far and too fast and the muscle tensed. It is a protective mechanism. Thats the way the nervous system is set up. My body wasn't prepared for that type of exertion. As soon as I realized I needed to warm up and relax in my daily activities the muscle felt better.

You can take a contrast shower, get a massage, meditate, do breathing exercises, anything to help you relax. The lower back is a major problem area for many people. Many people tense there lower back. You need to relax and warm up properly before any exercise.
There is a pressure point on your calf that will get rid of back pain. You really have to press hard to do it. I know it works because my friend's father practices acupuncture. A good acupuncturist should be able to relieve the pain within a few minutes.
Well, I have been having lower back pain for the last 3 days now. I would have this back pain every 3-4 months and it would last for about a week. So, this is not the first time that this has happened. This time, the pain is much more painful than in the previous appearances. The pain is in the middle lower back just above my tailbone. I went to the doctor yesterday and he had me get x-rays done to make sure that my spine was ok. The x-rays were negative and he said that everything looks normal. So, I am trying to see what may be causing the pain? I thought about getting a deep tissue massage or going to a chiropractor.

So, what does everyone else think? Is there a doctor in the house?

Please let me know what your opinions are, thanks.

I've struggled with lower back pain for a while. Part of it has to do with being overweight, but I also learned that the pillow I was using was a huge source of the problem.

I was using a very thin pillow, and it was causing my head to lay lower than the average height of my spine. Over night, that was causing my head to pull on my back and by morning the muscles in my lower back were so tight I could barely inhale. It sometimes took hours for the pain to completely dissapate. So I doubled up on pillows so that my head would lay straight with my spine and the pain literally disappeared over night.

I obviously don't know the source of your problem, but it might be worth looking into.

I used to get a bad back sometimes until I started doing dead lifts and hanging off the chin up bar to decompress my spine .

I am not a doctor or a chiro , so take my advice with a grain of salt , but I haven't had back pain since then .