Lost Reputation Points????


Welcome to the world of, you say something I don't like, I will chastize you with a demerit, or many, depends on how heavy the bat is. :whip: The whiter the belt the more you get hammered so hang in there, similar to the hood, until you join the right gang (most power).:ultracool

If you make it to black then you can change the system.:uhyeah:

You will need someone's :idunno: to give you 148 to change the color...

How do you like those points now?:mp5:

Regards, Gary:) :rolleyes:
ps. I like these smileys...:asian:
GAB said:

Welcome to the world of, you say something I don't like, I will chastize you with a demerit, or many, depends on how heavy the bat is. :whip: The whiter the belt the more you get hammered so hang in there, similar to the hood, until you join the right gang (most power).:ultracool

If you make it to black then you can change the system.:uhyeah:

You will need someone's :idunno: to give you 148 to change the color...

How do you like those points now?:mp5:

Regards, Gary:) :rolleyes:
ps. I like these smileys...:asian:

GAB et al,

I believe that if you are in the Red or Grey your points do not change those you give too, either positively or negatively. I think you will find this information in the thread that Flatlander has posted above.

Thank you
flatlander said:
If you read this thread, you will learn about reputation.
Thanks. Is there a negative record and, if so, who has it. I can almost guarantee you that I'll end up breaking his/her record. There are a few guys that have been after me for over 2,000 posts. Don't add anything to the information process but will always start a post negatively EVEN WHEN THEY AGREE WITH ME. So, I'm gonna enjoy watching my -47 continue in its cursed direction.

thanx again guys.
sojobow said:
Thanks. Is there a negative record and, if so, who has it. I can almost guarantee you that I'll end up breaking his/her record. There are a few guys that have been after me for over 2,000 posts. Don't add anything to the information process but will always start a post negatively EVEN WHEN THEY AGREE WITH ME. So, I'm gonna enjoy watching my -47 continue in its cursed direction.

thanx again guys.

Click on Members list

Then click on Reputation and this will sort by reputation. Highest first. Go to the last page and you can see the lowest.

Hi Rich.

I have not tried to give good points because of what you have just said.

When I have contacted the Moderators they have not even opened the mail (PM) let alone get back to me.:idunno:

I usually just ask a question in a fair manner, I don't think I flame, :flame: I have been told I am insulting and sarcastic, so I have been watching that part of it. :)

The person who said that, I think is very supercillious, so we all have our opinions. :asian:

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
When I have contacted the Moderators they have not even opened the mail (PM) let alone get back to me.:idunno:
Gary - Who, When and about what?

If it was me, I try to read every PM/Email I get, however I tend to have busy times where I get swamped with stuff and don't reply. I've actually been considering shutting off my PMs here and restricting things to email only as I can track that better.
Ditto, every one is read ... not everyone is responded to. Be specific, call, email, etc. Sometimes complaints are just complaints and there is no real remedy, whether I agree or disagree.

On the original topic: Your points can improve and the # of Rep Points does not change with the person giving them's rank or their Rep Points. It is all equal as far as I know.

I read all Pm's also.. If the poster requires a response.. he/she receives one.

There will always be people who don't see eye to eye.. and in this Cyber World we are 'in', it's very easy for someone to hit the negative comment button.. if a poster is flaming, bashing or trolling.. is argumentative or posts innane comments .. And they are red-dotted.. it's a flag to others to Take their postings with a grain of salt.. If the poster is none of the above and is hit negatively.. Bring it to the attention of the Admins and they WILL investigate and be able to eliminate the negative points. Some people follow others around the internet with spite and malice.. and those people will just get their jollies by negating anonymously.
Either rise above their attitudes by ignoring it.. or disable it *as a supporting member* in your User CP.

GAB said:
Hi Rich.

I have not tried to give good points because of what you have just said.

When I have contacted the Moderators they have not even opened the mail (PM) let alone get back to me.:idunno:

I usually just ask a question in a fair manner, I don't think I flame, :flame: I have been told I am insulting and sarcastic, so I have been watching that part of it. :)

The person who said that, I think is very supercillious, so we all have our opinions. :asian:

Regards, Gary


Since it is directed at me and you stated that I did not ignore, I will assume that it was not me.

All PM's are read. If it is of a non persona issue, it is posted for review by the appropriate team members if an investigation is warrented.

Now, if it was me I do apologize for I did notice the other day that the PM box was full. I have made some room, so if it was me then please resend.

Best regards
No Rich it is not you. I think you are very forthright.

The moderators are doing their job, but just by the mear fact of going around the ability to not show that you read them, infact when you have, is not forthright.

As far as the noble thought of just ignoring, then why take the art of self defense if you just want to ignore the perp? Ah, sometimes you can't!

The old saying," of sticks and stones, can break my bones, but names can never hurt me." Has gone out the window, with all the litigation regarding liability etc..

Unfortunatly this society does not look at a crime unless it has a victim or the victim will prosecute. Some changes have been made but not enough. But then we will become to Socialistic. Does that refer to being civilized?

Philosophy, you have to love it, if you have nothing else to do with your time.

Unless it is the city and state envoking safe driving laws. Or some other way to tax the citizen on a daily bases in able to keep its self (gov) solvent for making bad decisions and then making the citizen take on the burden even more.
As far as the spoken word and with fighting, or opinions, some are better then others. Some will be direct and others will not. Behind your back comes to mind.

Regarding points given good or bad, is it based on the giver or the moderator?

If I say, "this person is posting some thing that is insulting" then I bring it to the moderators attention, is it then the moderator, or the person who is complaining, who delivers the punch.

When someone follows you around and then gives you red and leaves statements to you and 20 debits, plus the person is annon (including profile), now someone comes along and gives you a green and a good statement. But all they can remove is one point.

Time in grade has some merit, but not in this case. IMO. With the new server (more gigs) I think it is something that should be looked at.

I really don't care about the red points, it is the principal of the way it is done.

In a court of law you have the right to address your accuser, it should be no different here. Unless you live in Louisiana (different way of looking at the law then most of the States).

But like you say it would probably take more time then it is worth, and if you only have 3% who say anything, then why bother.

But....then, because I have posted disagreement I should not get 20 red points either and a very smart --- comment.

Unless they want to say it up front.

Regards, Gary
Just an FYI - Supporting members do have the option to disable the display of reputation.
KenpoTess said:
I read all Pm's also.. If the poster requires a response.. he/she receives one.

There will always be people who don't see eye to eye.. and in this Cyber World we are 'in', it's very easy for someone to hit the negative comment button.. if a poster is flaming, bashing or trolling.. is argumentative or posts innane comments .. And they are red-dotted.. it's a flag to others to Take their postings with a grain of salt.. If the poster is none of the above and is hit negatively.. Bring it to the attention of the Admins and they WILL investigate and be able to eliminate the negative points. Some people follow others around the internet with spite and malice.. and those people will just get their jollies by negating anonymously.
Either rise above their attitudes by ignoring it.. or disable it *as a supporting member* in your User CP.

Ain't it the truth. Think I'm a victum of "all of the above." But, it's actually fun. So, now I know what that red dot means - I'm innane. Earned two more negative points since yesturday. Working my way up (or down) the ladder. Thanks guys. This is fun stuff.

Just looked in that Member's List on Reputations. Boy do I have a long way to go to be the number one red belt. But, those "traditionalist" will help me out. Here goes
Curious.......how many good rep points does it take to give you two green boxes? I currently have 12 green boxes, 2 gray and 1 red and it says I have 82 rep. points.


:asian: :karate:
I've always wondered how gray points show up. It almost seems like the gray ones randomly come even if the comments are "good"? :idunno:

- Ceicei
i believe the gray ones come from people that can't affect your reputation...either from having negative rep. themselves...or not having enough posts yet...(can't remember exact number)....