Loosing the "spark" for training ...Help!

Actually Kenpodoc, that's what I did. I went to a bo seminar (Which is what I was mainly having trouble with). And it re-ignited my "flame" for training. I got lots of help and advice there (on other forms as well). And after the seminar, something just "clicked." I was like "duuurrrrr." This isn't so hard after all :uhyeah: :ultracool

Oh, about my boyfriend's test. He did really well, but broke his hand during the test (breaking three boards, no spacers, and he rolled his hand). But he passed anywho :) The graduation is tomorrow (to get his belt officially). :-partyon:
Thanks :) I recently saw a mpeg of someone performing Taegeuk 8 and it totally blew me away! This dude was really sharp. I decided on trying to improve my forms, too (I'm a forms geek LOL), so that also helped bring the spark back :)
karatekid1975 said:
Thanks :) I recently saw a mpeg of someone performing Taegeuk 8 and it totally blew me away! This dude was really sharp. I decided on trying to improve my forms, too (I'm a forms geek LOL), so that also helped bring the spark back :)
Sometimes it doesn't take much to re-ignite that spark again. Good luck and keep up posted! Best regards, Steve
Here's a quote I came across that I think is fitting to the situation you're in...

"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." -Franklin D. Roosevelt

Hope you stick with it.

Just do it!

You'll be suprised how inspired you get after black belt test. The key to your continuation with TKD is, why are you doing TKD?

Pil Sung
Uggg. I'm bumping this thread up because I'm at that point again (I didn't want to repost about the same thing).

I did start another martial art (see my sig) to see if that re-ignite the "flame for training." I am really into Jujitsu, but I do that once a week, if that (this week, my instructor is on leave because his grandmother is sick. He has to stay with her till his parents get back from vacation).

Anyways, I'm not training in TKD hardly at all. I don't think it has to do with Jujitsu, because I do that even less (not by choice). I know my stuff in TKD now, but it's like, "whatever." I skipped out on class again tonight. I have been going twice a week at the most (once is more like it).

Help again ... PULEEEZZZEEE!
karatekid1975 said:
Help again ... PULEEEZZZEEE!
Not really sure what you want help with? Finding the answer? You already know the answer. What you really want is to understand your choice. (yes, right out of matrix, but it fits like a glove, doesn't it?) To convince you to stay with TKD? To assure you it's okay to leave? Simply ask yourself. Do you want to stay with TKD?

Lulls are pretty common. They've happened to everyone I've known at one time or another. People get bored with routine. Personally, I plug through it and am always glad I forged ahead, but that doesn't mean that's the answer for you. If you're finding that you're not getting anything from it, take a break. It isn't against the law. You can always come back at a later time if you so choose. I know you started JJ a short time ago and are really pumped with it. Maybe you're just taking on too much.

Whatever you decide, stick with it. If you choose to continue, then continue. No excuses why you have to miss. sick, busy, tired. All garbage. If you're going to do it, then do it. Hold to your conviction. If you lack the conviction, then stop wasting you're time. I know I'm giving you a verbal kick in the pants, but I've always liked your attitude so I won't pull any punches with you.

Just some things to think about. Everyone takes their own path. Yours may or may not include continuing TKD. All I can recommend is that you be honest with yourself in your assesment of your situation. Do what feels right for you. The rest will come naturally.

I wish the best for you regardless of the choice.
Gemini, thanks. Maybe that's what I need is a verbal kick in the pants, I donno. But I will definitely think about what you just posted (it's brain food ;) ). I am actually online chatting with my Jujitsu instructor's wife (3rd dan TKD) and she is on my case, too LOL
karatekid1975 said:
...Maybe that's what I need is a verbal kick in the pants....I am actually online chatting with my Jujitsu instructor's wife (3rd dan TKD) and she is on my case, too LOL
lol. Well, after all, aren't flyings kicks what we're known for? Keep us posted on what you decide.

arnisador, yes I do have a partner for JJ. My boyfriend takes it with me. We where practicing throws yesterday. That's always fun hehehehehe.

Gemini, hehehehe. My friend (the one I was talking to on MSN messeger last night) was trying to get me back into TKD. I think it worked. But I will definitely keep you posted ;)

You are so very close to achieving your BB. You've come far in your training, and have switched several times. This is where the "rubber meets the road" so to speak. Just think of the void that would be ever present if you choose to simply stop training in TKD all together. I personally could not have that void knowing all the long hours, hard work, and sweat I put into my training. I have hit many a walls in my MA training, but as I have said before, it is how you overcome those ruts that will define you as a martial artists. Good luck, and like others, I know you know what the right thing is to do in your situation.
Pacificshore said:
You are so very close to achieving your BB. You've come far in your training, and have switched several times.... Just think of the void that would be ever present if you choose to simply stop training in TKD all together. I personally could not have that void knowing all the long hours, hard work, and sweat I put into my training.
I respectfully cannot agree with you here. Your first reference is the belt being the goal. The belt should never be the goal. She will have lost nothing by quitting now. She can retain what she learned. That's the goal. As far a creating a void, yes, for you (and quite frankly me) that may be the case. But we cannot know if it's the case for Laurie. Only she can. If it does, she can go back anytime she wants.

Pacificshore said:
I have hit many a walls in my MA training, but as I have said before, it is how you overcome those ruts that will define you as a martial artists.
Agreed. But because her path may separate from TKD, doesn't mean she's made a poor choice. She wants to continue a MA. Just maybe a different one. As I said before, everyone's path is different. Quitting an art isn't important. The reason's for quiting are. I most definately agree with you on that.

Gemini said:
I respectfully cannot agree with you here. Your first reference is the belt being the goal. The belt should never be the goal. She will have lost nothing by quitting now. She can retain what she learned. That's the goal. As far a creating a void, yes, for you (and quite frankly me) that may be the case. But we cannot know if it's the case for Laurie. Only she can. If it does, she can go back anytime she wants.
Gemini, you are correct in that the belt should not be the goal. My main point was the void that would be left after all the hard work invested into her training. Perhaps I could have written what I meant better ;)
A small excerpt from Takayuki Mikami Sensei's interview with Jose Fraguas:

Q: Would you give any advice to karate parctitioners in general?
A: Sometimes karate is boring and I understand. Everything is boring if you do it everyday for 30 years! The secret lies in not giving up, but in training the simple things until you feel better. That's the real test of Budo. The hardest thing to teach in martial arts is spirit, but it is the most important aspect the art of karate can offer to its practitioners. The mental and spiritual aspects of the martial arts can help one to overcome any kind of difficulties. That's the key-learning how to keep going day-by-day.

I kind a of saw this as being appropriate for this particular post :asian:
karatekid1975 said:
Hey all.

I'm posting this here, cause I do Korean martial arts, and I want to hear advice from my fellow Korean Martial Artists (nothing against anyone else, though).

Anyways, I think I'm loosing the spark for training again. Am I having doubts, or getting bored, or what is it? How do I get the spark back? I learned a lot about character in MA, but I think that's shot right now, too.

Also, check out my school http://www.usamastersacademy.com/ and tell me what ya think. I'm looking for honest opinions, no slamming. Thanks ;)
since im not Korean im not gonna comment on the spark of training of yours. but i wanna say use less red on the page, and less color variety..
HCI people (ahem, moi!) recommend you only use about three colors on a page. the colors shouldnt vary much, unless for errors, warnings, or special things you wanna draw attention to (like "SALE!!") or something like that.
other than this minor thing i think it's a great site...
Actually, both of you are right (Pacificshore and Gemini). My bud said that the other night, Pacificshore. She said that I work so hard to get this far, and it would be a waste to let it go, specially since she WANTS me to teach for her (I need to be a BB first). She knows I would regret it if I just "stopped" TKD. She said I have a lot of talent, and she wouldn't want it to go to waste. But she doesn't want to see me stop jujitsu either (I learn from her husband), because I also picked that up quick ... well, for the most part LOL.

She thinks I have a mental thing about testing for BB. I tested with BB's last time (my 1st gup test), and I failed it. But she said I creamed some BB's in sparring. I honestly don't remember. I know I didn't do all my breaks, and my forms, I had a mental block on (eventhough I know them inside and out).

I also don't want a "gift" ... well, we are not going to get into that now. That's a looooong story hehehehehe. Let just say, some passed when they should have failed as some of the other students said.
mantis, I didn't build that site. I know who did, though. So I will pass that along. But I was actually trying to get opinions on the dojang, not the site ;)

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