looseing a Member of The Family


Master of Arts
Don't know Exacly were to put This on The Forum..

I was training Yesterday When My Wife Comes over
From the othere Side of the Room & Tells Me My Uncle
Has Dide it took a Min to Understand What She had Just Said..

I had to Stop & make phone calls & Found out one
Of My Uncle Jim's Had Died. I had to Call his Son Casuse
He Came to My Mind. He told Me it was True.

And My Heart Sunk it was hard to hold Tears Back
& Talk to Him as well.. I can not Imagen being
In His or His Sisters Place in Loosing There Father.

I Then Made another Phone call & Spoke
To his Sister & My Aunt.....

I want Them Tooo Know I send My Love
& My Thoughts are With Them in This Dark
Time May God Bless Them & Watch over Them.

To My Uncle Jim it is not going to be Easy
to Say Good By... I Keep Flashing Back
To When We all were Kids....

Are Parents were Larger than Life...

Toooo My Uncle Jim I will alway's LOVE U & Miss U
I know Now U are With God & I know we will Be with
U again Someday.. Till Then Take care & know That Your Family
LOves Uuuuuuu..

Your Nephew.
Please allow me to offer my sentiments.

God bless you and yours as you mourn.

I'm sorry that you lost someone close to you. Wishing you and your family the best during difficult times.
My sympathies to you and your family. :asian: I lost my maternal grandmother in 2002--we were very close. Although she had been very sick with numerous health problems, it was still hard to accept her death. I feel fortunate that I had the Art in my life at the that time because in addition to learning self-defense, coordination, etc., it's my outlet for stress. I was depressed for months and going to class seemed to be the only thing I had to look forward to, so for at least an hour and half I had something else to think about besides the pain & loss...

I hope you have lots and friends and family around for support, and that your martial art may help you during this difficult time as well.

remember in times of termoil one must remember GOD has a better place for all. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS.
Always hard to hear of someone near and dear passing.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Losses in the family are always hard. You have my deepest sympathies and condolances.
My condolances to you. We all know what it is like to loose family members, my thoughts are with you.