Looking to start Muay Thai, questions


White Belt
As it says in the topic title, I'm interested in starting a martial art. I haven't done one before, except for Tae Kwon Do when I was 7 or so. I was looking at different martial arts, and basically, Muay Thai seemed like the most powerful, for lack of a better word. I want to be able to defend myself against people larger and tougher than I am, but I would also like to take Muay Thai to toughen myself up. I guess you could call me somewhat of a wuss. Is Muay Thai for me?

Additionally, another concern is that I only have one kidney, and from what I gather, Muay Thai can be a very destructive style. Is it possible for me to take this up or should I just forget it? I've heard there are special belts available. Would using one be appropriate in a Muay Thai class? Would I be allowed to fight with one? Here is some info on me:

~145 pounds
Naturally lean

I'd love any advice any of you can offer me. One more thing, if you don't mind. Could any of you tell me if this would be a decent school to join with?

Thanks everyone/anyone.
Well, the only person who is truly going to be able to tell you if Muay Thai is right for you, is yourself. My suggestion is give a local gym a try and see how you feel. No amount of explanation can account to your actual experience.

As far as having one kidney, I have seen far more severe handicaps compete Muay Thai... so don't let that stop you. And to answer your question in regards to fighting, no you will not be able to wear a belt.

Lastly, I don't know much about the gym you listed, but I would try an go to a gym that specializes in Muay Thai. MMA gyms as I've known them, tend to put more focus on grappling... and as a result have a limited stand-fight strategy. My personal opinion, I would seek out someone who is Thai or has fights in Thailand, in an attempt to keep it as pure as possible. I took notice that you are in Canada, here is a few more options for you.

Hello there!

Think I would agree with most of what ThuderFoot said. Definately the best way to find out if Muay Thai is right for you is to give it a try. Try not to be too nervous about it (stepping into a new gym is always a bit intimidating!) just do your best. Perseverance is definately the name of the game.

Actually, I trained in Canada for a while with Acharn Miles...You could check out his website www.mikemiles.com for some info.

Fighting? Well its up to you, my advice would be to get training and see where it leads you. As for your kidney, you set your own limits. Have you ever been on to Dan Inosanto's page? http://inosanto.com/ There is a truly inspiring section on MA with disabilities. In fact - I might make a posting about it elsewhere....

Whatever you decide to do, good luck and Rock on!