Orange Belt
They are the first two links on this page. They are great resources. My advice:
1) Figure out what you want:
Do you want to spar? What contact level of sparring are you comfortable with? Are you looking for more of a cardio workout?
Are you interested in weapons?
Are you interested in the history of the art?
2) SHOP AROUND. This can't be emphasized enough. Don't sign on w/ the first place you like. Try several out before giving your favorite an 'extended trial period'.
3) My suggestion would be to avoid signing a long term contract at all if possible. If it's not possible, then I would suggest trying to avoid signing a long-term contract initially. It takes more than 1 week or 1 month to know if you are going to really like a school. Several clubs offer discounts if you sign a long term contract--I would suggest waiting 3-6 months to do this. If you find that you don't like the school, it will be worth the extra $$ initially to be able to leave at any time without having to pay the whole contract.
They are the first two links on this page. They are great resources. My advice:
1) Figure out what you want:
Do you want to spar? What contact level of sparring are you comfortable with? Are you looking for more of a cardio workout?
Are you interested in weapons?
Are you interested in the history of the art?
2) SHOP AROUND. This can't be emphasized enough. Don't sign on w/ the first place you like. Try several out before giving your favorite an 'extended trial period'.
3) My suggestion would be to avoid signing a long term contract at all if possible. If it's not possible, then I would suggest trying to avoid signing a long-term contract initially. It takes more than 1 week or 1 month to know if you are going to really like a school. Several clubs offer discounts if you sign a long term contract--I would suggest waiting 3-6 months to do this. If you find that you don't like the school, it will be worth the extra $$ initially to be able to leave at any time without having to pay the whole contract.