Looking for schools in Monterey, CA, Presidio area.


Green Belt
Ok guys, I'm going to be in the US Air Force soon (I leave for basic November 18), and I'm going to have tech school for about a year in Monterey, California. I'm currently learning Wing Chun, however I'm still a ways away from learning the whole system (About a year into it now and this Sunday I should be learning the last section of Biu Jee). The thing is, I would also like to dabble in some other arts while I'm out there, hopefully Xing Yi if I'm REALLY lucky, and also because I'm not so certain Wing Chun is MY art ya know?

Also, I've done quite a bit of research into many arts, and I've found that the general philosophy and methods of the Chinese martial arts interest me the most, which is why I'm specifically looking for Kung Fu schools.

So, does anybody know of ANY kung fu schools in the Monterey, Presidio area?
When I lived in Monterey 15 years ago (working at NPS and living near DLI) there wasn't much. I found a Kung Fu school in Pacific Grove but it's since closed. There's good Filipino martial arts in Salinas. Good luck!

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