Looking for old instructors....


Master of Arts
Does anyone know where these folks are nowadays?

Johnny Wooley - was a 1st Degree Black Belt with the University of Texas Karate Club in 1966 in Austin, TX. My very first TKD instructor.

Mike Uselton - was a 4th Degree in the early 70s, ran the Texas Taekwondo Institute at Rundberg and I-35 in Austin, TX.
I remember Mike, he was a great guy and down to earth. I heard he retired in the late 90's due to health reasons. I do not know if that is true but it was around the circuit for a while that he got sick and retired.

As far John Wooley I thought he had his own place teaching still down in south Texas.
Thanks! I can't find anything recent on either of them; my Google-fu is weak and I appreciate the help.
I'm gonna bump this one time to see if any of the newcomers to the board might know something.
Master Mike Uselton passed away from leukemia based on an internet article I read a few years ago while searching for him.

He was my 1st TKD instructor in 1974 when I was 14. I received my Black Belt from Master Jose Santamaria in 2006.

Please reply as I would enjoy discussing with you further should you wish.


Joe Tracey
Austin, TX