Looking for Hapkido school


Master Black Belt
Hi all.

I am trying to find a Hapkido dojang in Ustate NY. I looked on the net for hours, but no luck. I heard that the best way to find some schools is by word of mouth. Does anyone know of a Hapkido school in upstate NY?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Hiya arnisador.

I live in Bristol NY. I'm about 45 minutes from Rochester. But I'm willing to traval up to two hours for a good school.
Are you following me? ;)
I gotta hand it to ya! You are trying real hard to find a Hapkido Dojang. I wish I could of helped.

On a brighter note... I have heard good things about the martial art of Kuk Sool Won. For what I have seen it is a very complete martial art. I don't know the instructor, but there seems to be 3 dojangs in your area. One in Wolcott, Williamson and Webster.

Here's the website for ya.


I hope this helps.
Take care, Laurie. :asian:
LOL Chris. You again. Just kidding. How are you?

Anyway, yes, I am still looking for a Hapkido school. I know you tried to help, and I thank you for that.

I did see the website of KSW up here, but I heard bad things about it. I guess I should check into it myself instead of listening to people "talk" about a dojang.

Thanks again, Chris. You been a big help ;)