Looking for Guidance


White Belt
May 10, 2011
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Hey guys, I'm a newbie from a rural area. I'm heading off to college next year and I want to pick up a martial art. My only prior experience was obtaining a yellow belt in karate back in elementary school. Since then I've just been playing football, which doesn't really help with martial arts, but I'm not planning on being one of those big guys who doesn't engage.

I've been doing a lot of research on what I should study, but I haven't had much luck. Most of the styles of MA out there are just words to me, so I was wondering if you could help me out.

I want to know if there's a style out there that emphasizes upper body striking and doesn't do any crazy acrobatic stuff. (I'm 6'1" and 250 lbs, I can't do a back flip so save my life.) Ideally it would be a style softer than karate, but harder than Aikido. And the more unconventional the better. (That might sound a bit newbie-ish, but I'm planning on using any experience I gain to use towards self defense, and I think the more unconventional the style, the better advantage I have.)

I would just like to thank you ahead of time, and say that I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you.
Hey guys, I'm a newbie from a rural area. I'm heading off to college next year and I want to pick up a martial art. My only prior experience was obtaining a yellow belt in karate back in elementary school. Since then I've just been playing football, which doesn't really help with martial arts, but I'm not planning on being one of those big guys who doesn't engage.

I've been doing a lot of research on what I should study, but I haven't had much luck. Most of the styles of MA out there are just words to me, so I was wondering if you could help me out.

I want to know if there's a style out there that emphasizes upper body striking and doesn't do any crazy acrobatic stuff. (I'm 6'1" and 250 lbs, I can't do a back flip so save my life.) Ideally it would be a style softer than karate, but harder than Aikido. And the more unconventional the better. (That might sound a bit newbie-ish, but I'm planning on using any experience I gain to use towards self defense, and I think the more unconventional the style, the better advantage I have.)

I would just like to thank you ahead of time, and say that I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you.

Where are you moving to for college? Would be good to know that so we can figure out what sort of schools are in the new area you'll be in.

As someone who's studied karate, tae kwon do, small circle jujitsu and now kenpo, I'd highly recommend you check out kenpo if there's a place near your new school. If you want to focus on upper body a lot, kenpo is known for their fast hands ("kenpo hands"). Tae Kwon Do tends to be pretty kick intensive, so if you want to keep your kicks to a minimum then that may not be the best style for you. Small Circle Jujitsu is probably a little too laid back, as it mostly focuses on wrist locks and arm locks, etc, therefore not tons of forms / punching / kicking. And karate really depends on the flavor you get, but usually a well rounded curriculum of punches and kicks.
First things first, you need to ask why you want to do a MA, (self defence, fitness, learn something old and cool), then you need to see what is available in your new area, then you need to see what your budget can carry, then you need to see as to the time you will have to devote to “picking up a MA”.

BTW, if you think Aikido is soft, you’ve been to the wrong places….:)
Between most karate (read Japanese karate) and aikido I would suggest Systema. It is designed exclusively for self defence.

However, if you can find a form of Okinawan karate, you might be surprised to find it is also suited to your needs. :asian:
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the help. Kempo and Systema both sound very interesting. I'm headed to Worcester Mass. next year, so I'm gonna look at MA schools that offer those styles.

I hope I didn't offend anyone when I said I wanted to "pick up a MA". It's just how I speak.