Looking for creation poomse ideas


Senior Master
I'm starting prep for my 2nd dan test (scheduled 10/09 tentatively). On eof the main requirements is that I create a 20 move poomse.

If I wanted to just string togethr some moves that would suffice...but I don't think I'd learn much from the excercise. I'd rather create something with some depth and meaning. So, I'm looking for some suggestions about how I might go about doing that.

I had to create a 12 move one. I went with the idea of creating 4 three-step defenses against the haymaker, with each defense being tactically conisstent with each fo the 4 main arts I'd studied (Goju Karate, TKD, Aikido, Wing chun).

I'd like do something along the same lines, but not exactly.

I would go with all moves aregenerated off of certain weapons coming at you, this will fill all the voids withen the poomsae.
Examine your training in depth, determine what area(s) you think you most need to improve upon, and create a poomsae that addressed at least one of those areas. Otherwise, as you say, you'd just be stringing moves together - it would fit the requirements, but what would it teach you?
yipee, freedesign!

Consider what the form is: A mock fight between you and one or more opponents. Take it from there.

Think about an attack and an appropriate counter measure, block and strike/kick. And figure out a way to make it flow.

That is not as hard as it seems, intimidating, maybe, at first.

Take moves that showcase your strength as well, leave what you struggle on at the dojang for another time.
How about designing a poomse imagining you are in a very tight space?
This might stifle creativity a bit, or it might force you to think a bit outside the box, and it has a reality component to it.
Those are some excellent suggetsions! Thanks you. I'll give it some thought and perhpas post my ideas here when I've got osmething going. Might evemn put it onto a video and post...we'll see how brave I get :)

How about designing a poomse imagining you are in a very tight space?
This might stifle creativity a bit, or it might force you to think a bit outside the box, and it has a reality component to it.

LOL, those have been the changes I had to adapt to...made for some interesting variations...
Those are some excellent suggetsions! Thanks you. I'll give it some thought and perhpas post my ideas here when I've got osmething going. Might evemn put it onto a video and post...we'll see how brave I get :)


Reminds me of the freestyle challenge I want to confront my online folks with... <evil grin>

warm the video camera up....just in case! ;)

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