What got to most of the people was the loneliness. You ate what the instructor told you to eat and you did what he told you to do. Now understand that most of the guys there had never been away from mommy's side, so that can do it. I have been through boot so the mental stuff was enough to make me laugh. The physical stuff I loved... He kicked my knee out of socket on the 13th day because I was being too arrogant and I was required to keep coming back at him. In the middle.. around day 30, I sprained my ankle but continued to run the four miles a day... until he found out about it (You just don't whine about things that you can handle) and made me rest for a couple days. Physically it is difficult. You'll do more than you think that you will be able to do, but it will never be more than you can handle.
I don't know what made guys leave. I found it easy and fun. I did have problems with the program.. The food was not edible (traditional Japanese goo) and the bowing and there was a conflict in me over my religious persuasions.. and so I couldn't handle the program. One of the guys left because he slept next to me and I snore loud and he couldn't sleep...
There are quite a few days that I regret having left the program. I have plenty of good reasons, but than that is the problem with overly intelligent people.. they think too much and can justify just about anything. I left because there was a part of me that couldn't handle it. Whether it was a weakness or a strength is my concern and I don't mind if the director and the sempai and kohai think less of me for it. For me it is two months of darn good memories. I continue to train the same way as I trained there (when I can find crazy people with like minds to practice on) and will keep doing so.
I don't know what made guys leave. I found it easy and fun. I did have problems with the program.. The food was not edible (traditional Japanese goo) and the bowing and there was a conflict in me over my religious persuasions.. and so I couldn't handle the program. One of the guys left because he slept next to me and I snore loud and he couldn't sleep...
There are quite a few days that I regret having left the program. I have plenty of good reasons, but than that is the problem with overly intelligent people.. they think too much and can justify just about anything. I left because there was a part of me that couldn't handle it. Whether it was a weakness or a strength is my concern and I don't mind if the director and the sempai and kohai think less of me for it. For me it is two months of darn good memories. I continue to train the same way as I trained there (when I can find crazy people with like minds to practice on) and will keep doing so.