Looking for a sword art uniform patch

Kaith Rustaz said:
I'm looking for something simple and tasteful. Right now, I have 2 gis I train in. 1 in plain, no patches, and gets worn the most. The other is for more 'fun' bits, or when I work with a small group. That one is most non-traditional (it currently has a Galactica flight patch on it). I'm not looking to dress like a Nascar driver. LOL!

You're better off without the patches. Just keep the keikogi patch-free. People will take you more seriously.
Kaith Rustaz said:
I'm looking for a sword patch for a uniform, preferably a katana. I've looked at several patch places, and haven't had any luck. Also, something with the kanji for sword would also work.

Thank you :)

The kanji I believe is this one:

Why dont u take the pic to an embroider. Don't those computer controled machines accept gifs. I'm pretty sure they do.

You picked a tough thing to find. Patches? sheesh...to each his own I guess ;).

Dude, I got nothing on searching for sword art patches. Especially Japanese sword arts. The best you can find that is done commerically is the Bushido patch that has two swords in it, or the chinese sword art patch. Both can be found here:


I've pretty much given up for now. Too expensive to have a 1 off piece made, and I can't currently bankroll a small quanitity run. I be keeping my eyes open as I go though.

Thanks! :)