Looking for a school...

Originally posted by warder
Akido of Central New York.

I trained with them for a brief period in the early 80s. Great people, great attitude. We never did any weapons work in the several months I worked with them.
:( too far. Bugger all, its a PITA! Got a Kendo school, but I was looking for something less "sporting" and more "combat".

Sigh. :(

Note to self - Win Lotto. Travel world training with leading masters.

2nd note to self - do not pinch. :D
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Got a Kendo school, but I was looking for something less "sporting" and more "combat".

Bear in mind that most modern iaido schools emphasize the "mongrel" seitai iaido and very much emphasize character development over effective swordplay. The fighting techniques have been modified with the do nature of the art firmly in mind. There are exceptions of course but by and large it isn't combat-effective iaido anymore.
arnisador said:
Bear in mind that most modern iaido schools emphasize the "mongrel" seitai iaido and very much emphasize character development over effective swordplay. The fighting techniques have been modified with the do nature of the art firmly in mind. There are exceptions of course but by and large it isn't combat-effective iaido anymore.

I don't mean to be offensive, but I find this characterization a little ignorant. While I usually don't have a problem with non iai people (my assumption, please correct me if I am wrong) commenting on iai, your opinions go to far. So I'd like to enquire about your ability to make these comments.

-Have your ever seen "seitei" (not "seitai") iai?
-Do you know where it comes from? And which organization practices the style?
-How have the techniques been modified with the "do" nature in mind?
-How do you define the "combat-effectiveness" of an art 400 years old?

If you don't know, or can't explain your answers to these questions, you have no business discussing iai. Just as I would not dream of commenting on Arnis. If you can answer, then I'd be happy to have a good discussion about your opinions in another thread.

As to the matter at hand, there are no simple answers, go check out the schools that have been mentioned here. If you like what they are doing stick with them. A search on E-budo.com, korybooks.com, EJAMS.com will provide you with plenty of answers.
There are schools in the Chicago region. I suggest you do a search of the archives at http://www.e-budo.com Particularly in the Sword Arts forum. If that doesn't work out, post in the Sword Arts forum. Be sure to sign your real name there. It's a forum rule.

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