looking for a nice straightsword



anybody know of any places to buy a quality hand crafted gim? ive got the junky steel and brass single and double, but id like to find one with really good craftsmanship and balance, maybe even if it looked good, i could display it for decorum!!!!

maybe also i can display it on de forum!!!
Also known as a jian....

For a couple of entry level purchases, there are two sold at Kris Cutlery:


The Hanwei factory makes some nice upper tier stuff, but I don't know how good the quality is. They have a damascus jian in a mid-range pricing, plus some low quality practice stuff. A range of stuff can be seen here:


I haven't heard anything about the Cold Steel jian either.
thanks for the links, blindside!!!
The Paul Chen blades are incredible... amazing pieces of functional steel at relatively affordable prices.

Check on the stuff on E-bay. You will be able to get blades there for much less than what you would pay retail. I just got a Paul Chen broadsword for $100 US.

Personally, I'm not uber-excited about the designs for his straight swords, preferring the simplicity of a good lungchuan blade over the Paul Chen straights, but that is simply an aesthetic issue. The blades are extremely well balanced and solid - real swords, not cheap imitation knockoffs that are so easily obtained elsewhere...

I have purchased many swords inthe past, but Chen's are far and away the best! I recently purchased one of his "Taiji" swords (aka. "jien" or "gim" in Cantonese); the type that is not very flexible (he also offers a flexible sword of this type AND a damascus blade which is wonderful).
The sword I purchased is incredibly light but VERY strong and razor-sharp. It does allow for some flexibility but not much. A wonderful blade.
Sifu, what happened to the number of posts you had? I know you have posted far more than one single time (as shown under your name)...

Mod Gods, any input on this?
Well, after I changed servers I was unable to log on here and had to re-register and all that. Maybe that had something to do with it.
I don't know.....I don't understand these $%^&^% machines.
This should be fixable. Do you need the password reset? That's the only thing I can imagine preventing you from using the old membername. Please contact me or one of the other admins. if you still wish to use the previous membername.

-MT Admin-
Just FYI, Yilisifu is my teacher and the founder of Yiliquan, Phillip Starr.

Once a while back you commented about how many Yili people were here. I have been trying to get them all to come down to this part of the web to hang out and join in the discussions. While not all of them are here, we have Sifu Starr, Chufeng, myself, Yilijinglei (another senior who trains with Chufeng and I in Washington), and with luck more to come soon.

Yiliquan in da house!!! LMAO

Thank you for your offer, but I'm fine - as long as I can come in and throw out my two yuan.
We must have more people from this style than any other single CMA here!

Mr. Starr, if this membername is fine by you then it's fine by us. Thanks for posting!

-MT Admin-
Thank you for your kindness. This new membername is fine. I very much enjoy this site and hope to be able to add to various discussions from time to time.

Thank you!
*Theneuhauser* I'm currently looking for a Gim Dao as well. I am thinking of bying the Paul Chen "Chin" model (the one with the yin/yang symbol and the fancy red tassels :) ) Do you, or anybody else have practical experience with this blade? Is it sharpened? Hows the craftmanship and fexibility etc.? Any reviews would be greatly appreciated!
