Looking for a MA school in Toronto (Scarborough preferred)


White Belt
Hello, I am new to these boards, so sorry in advance if I posted this in the wrong area.

My mother is once again refusing to let me go to my Sanshou class. I don't like giving up hope though in trying to find practical martial arts that I enjoy, even though my mother always tries to get me out of it with underhanded methods.

I understand that she worries, but honestly, not being able to do what I love makes me sad. I also understand that looking completely beat up while working as a camp leader for forty children every week doesn't look good, but still. I really want to do martial arts again!

I've actually found a Martial Arts School (JiFeng Martial Arts Center @ www.bajimen.com) already. However, the normal training doesn't begin until September. It's a traditional Chinese Martial Arts School that teaches Bajiquan, Piguazhang, Chen Style Tai Chi, Lie He Tang Lang, Baguazhang, and other styles. Apparently the teacher won't teach you unless you've got a good character, even if I pay extra >_>. After that, he looks over your basic training for a year before deciding what Martial Art you should do. In addition, it's not quite expensive... Also, you actually spar! I find that kind of odd, considering most schools do not do any sparring with it.

Anyways, I'd like to see if there's anything else I could try during my September wait. I've tried looking myself with limited results, so I thought if there were more people helping out, maybe I'd be able to find something better! One limitation though is that I don't like to do Wing Chun. I've already tried it -- I do not mix with it.

I've also done Wushu, Sanshou, Taekwondo, some Fencing and Jujitsu.

I'm mainly looking for new things... like interesting CMA places that allow sparring. I don't particularly like Muay Thai and BJJ (I have tried them, I've done alright, but eh my mother doesn't like it too much). I particularly enjoy looking at Bajiquan, but my searches have come up nearly fruitless, with only Chung Wah Kung Fu and JiFeng Martial Arts Center.

I live in Canada, Scarborough, Ontario near a Rocket Train Station. I'm 17, 5"10, and currently 160 pounds -- aiming to bulk to 170 by the end of the summer.

Also, I've been looking around... following suggestions from lots of websites (including this one), and I've found a lot of Martial Arts schools. The one I'm most keen on won't allow me to go check it out til September... so in the meantime, I've found another.

Does anyone know about Chung Wah Kung Fu Center?

I'm just wondering if there are any people who have had experience at that school that might be able to tell me more. My main reasons for wanting to learn CMA(s) include heritage and culture, stress reliever, self-improvement, and most importantly, self-defence. Does Chung Wah mix with what I need? I've already done a trial class... I didn't particularly detest it, but all we really did was some basics I've seen already from doing other CMA.

Here's the site for anyone else who might be able to help me with the credibility of this school. I liked it... but well, I dunno what'll be like in the future. Can anyone help?

PS - To anyone who goes to, has gone to, or has had experience with the JiFeng School (http://www.bajimen.com/index.php?page=home) Can anyone give me a heads up for this school?

Finally, I understand that a good teacher is more important than an art of choice. That's why I'll try my best to look into schools that you people recommend, as long as they aren't Wing Chun. (I've already been at Sunny Tang.)

Thank you for your assistance, and keep in mind that I like being open minded, so you might see a similar post in other forums like the JMA part of this one. ^^
Summarizing that rather long post, I found two schools currently:

Chung Wah Kung Fu

JiFeng Martial Arts Center

I was wondering if anyone had been to these two schools or has had experience with them.

I was also wondering if you guys had any ideas for other schools I could try out. Sorry for making such a long post XD

I've had TKD experience, WC experience, wushu experience, negligible Mantis experience, and Sanshou experience.
I guess I'm confused...if you've found a school that you want to train at, but can't until September (3 weeks), why are you looking for something else to fill that short period of time? That won't serve any purpose and might actually make you seem like much less of a dedicated student in some people's eyes (i.e. if you want this particular school, and it will only take you based on your character, you probably shouldn't take up another MA just to carry you thorugh 3 weeks). You should expend your energy on getting yourself in at least decent shape before you show up. Work out at home - run, jump rope, generally train so when you do get there, you'll be fit for fight.

Good luck. I hope the Sept. school works out for you.
I've found one that I want to check out... I guess I should have made that clear. It's always nice to check out more though, maybe I could find something better!
well , your mom sound a little controlling and overly worrying about you , u can try to continue your sanshou classes without your mom knowing . You like sanshou so much , I think you should make your own decision , even your parents can't stop you
Well, apparently, the sanshou school I used to go to isn't doing so well anymore... ever since the teacher lost at the national competitions. He apparently lost really badly, too. I believe it had less to do with the teacher's skill then his mindset, however... I don't really want to say the school's name or the teacher's name out of respect for them, so yeah.
losses and defeat are common , nothing to be ashame of , do you get to straight away do san shou ? Is he still teaching there ? I am also living in toronto .

do message me later .

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