Looking for a list of korean terminology


Senior Master
OK, this probably gets asked a lot but...here goes.

Our Hapkido instructor has joined with a Taekwondo friend of his (Master Chae in Colorado Springs) to each the Hapkido so more focused Taekwondo, especially sparring (our instructor has done olympic amd point sparring, etc...but has no interest in teaching it, partticularly for tournaments so to meet that desire in the class, he worked a deal with his friend). Anyway, Master Chae uses a lot of Korean teminology for kicks and footwork. *some* of it is familiar to me and *some* of it is familiar to the class, ut not nearly as much as he uses). At one pointlast night we 'counted off' in class and some of the students from our school (we were in a mixed class of students from both schools) didn't know the numbers (kids learn counting and some footwork terms ut the adults...his adult hapkido class is all about the technique, not much tradition) So Master Chae asked who was the ranking person from our school there and it happened to me so he said "now it's his problem" . He was very lighthearted about it, but I thought I would print out a list of Korean terms and their meanings. I admit in my Taekwondo time, the school I was at wasn't too heavy in the use of Korean, either, and I've forgotten most of what I knew.

So I'm looking for a short,convenient list of basic movements and attacks (kicks and hand strikes) and blocks. Something I can download and print to hand out.

OK, this probably gets asked a lot but...here goes.

Our Hapkido instructor has joined with a Taekwondo friend of his (Master Chae in Colorado Springs) to each the Hapkido so more focused Taekwondo, especially sparring (our instructor has done olympic amd point sparring, etc...but has no interest in teaching it, partticularly for tournaments so to meet that desire in the class, he worked a deal with his friend). Anyway, Master Chae uses a lot of Korean teminology for kicks and footwork. *some* of it is familiar to me and *some* of it is familiar to the class, ut not nearly as much as he uses). At one pointlast night we 'counted off' in class and some of the students from our school (we were in a mixed class of students from both schools) didn't know the numbers (kids learn counting and some footwork terms ut the adults...his adult hapkido class is all about the technique, not much tradition) So Master Chae asked who was the ranking person from our school there and it happened to me so he said "now it's his problem" . He was very lighthearted about it, but I thought I would print out a list of Korean terms and their meanings. I admit in my Taekwondo time, the school I was at wasn't too heavy in the use of Korean, either, and I've forgotten most of what I knew.

So I'm looking for a short,convenient list of basic movements and attacks (kicks and hand strikes) and blocks. Something I can download and print to hand out.


Jay—try the following link. It seems to me it's pretty much just what you're looking for...

Mark's TKD School: Fairly complete list, covers all you requested and more.

New South Wales (Australia) TKD School Terminology List

Shorter list that covers the basics and includes the opening exercies (and a 'printer friendly' version):

Here's a simple list from U of KY TKD club, already in PDF format:

This is a longer, more complete list, and it has .wav files for pronunciation for about half the terms:

...and of course, there are some lists posted right here at Martial Talk: