Looking for a good school/instructor

About 45 min. actual drive time, more or less. Pretty close.

Google says 1 hr and 8 minutes, and from personal experience that's about the time it took me to get to Dayton from Columbus. Considering he'd be driving on I-70 during rush hour, it could be considerably more than that.

The point is that I was talking about Central Ohio, not all of Ohio. ;)

I'm pretty sure Moe Stevens is still teaching Tomiki Aikido (and wrestling) just a few min. South of Columbus. Can't say for certain, though. Been a decade since I had any contact with him.

I said Kung Fu and Karate. The Aikido schools in the area have been pretty resilient to the MMA rise in the area. Probably because they always attracted an older demographic who wouldn't be comfortable in a Bjj/MMA gym.
Google says 1 hr and 8 minutes, and from personal experience that's about the time it took me to get to Dayton from Columbus. Considering he'd be driving on I-70 during rush hour, it could be considerably more than that.
About 45 min. from Indiana. You wrote, "Dayton is in Western Ohio, and very close to the Indiana border." and I was agreeing that, of Ohio's major cities, it's probably the closest to Indiana.

The point is that I was talking about Central Ohio, not all of Ohio. ;)
Again, stipulated. :)

I said Kung Fu and Karate. The Aikido schools in the area have been pretty resilient to the MMA rise in the area. Probably because they always attracted an older demographic who wouldn't be comfortable in a Bjj/MMA gym.
Fair enough. I tend to roll together most Asian Martial Arts (except Judo for obvious reasons) when discussing the subject of popularity against MMA because it's been my experience that the majority of them rise and fall on the same tide. But I agree that there's only so far that generalities can be expanded.

Peace favor your sword,

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