My preciousssssssss....
A Glock 34, one 17 round magazine, and two 33 round magazines.
She's a sweet shooter, with the 4.5 lb trigger, extended slide stop lever, and making even my 9 mm major loads feel like powderpuffs (147 grainers, 1250 fps from this baby).
Handles everything from Winchester Ranger 127 grain +P+ JHP, all the way to my true powderpuff 115 grain plated bullet loads that barely go 1100 fps, and the accuracy is as good as any.
I am now well-equipped to handle any zombie invasions, should a scenario from Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later occur!
A Glock 34, one 17 round magazine, and two 33 round magazines.

She's a sweet shooter, with the 4.5 lb trigger, extended slide stop lever, and making even my 9 mm major loads feel like powderpuffs (147 grainers, 1250 fps from this baby).
Handles everything from Winchester Ranger 127 grain +P+ JHP, all the way to my true powderpuff 115 grain plated bullet loads that barely go 1100 fps, and the accuracy is as good as any.
I am now well-equipped to handle any zombie invasions, should a scenario from Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later occur!