Long time no see


Purple Belt
Supporting Member
Oct 28, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all,

I used to be in here a bit a good while ago.

Just popping in to see how everyone is doing and also I am trying to start training Wing Chun again.

The usual problems...no one to train with on this small Island and prohibitive costs to get off the rock to train elsewhere!

So, I remember SLT and CK but not BJ and I have a mook to use. Any solo drills you can recommend for me or any other words of advice? :)

Geezer, I see your still here...wheres MJM gone?
Welcome back. Sorry to hear you have no one to train with. Gov.je lists one WC sifu teaching in Jersey, Chris Bougeard. I take it the site is out of date?

Have you considered training with practitioners of other arts? You could still practice your WC forms at home but get some useful experience in touching hands with people who do things differently. I know @yak sao is a big believer in the idea that WC practitioners should avoid martial arts incest by getting out and working with other stylists and I have to agree.
Thanks, I did think about that too and Yaksao has a point, ill see how the journey goes. I tried contacting Chris years ago to no avail.
Welcome back Bully. MJM hasn't been on the forum for a couple of years now. Last contact I had with him was when he had just moved to Japan from Sydney.