Long Melee range weapon


Blue Belt
Feb 14, 2021
Reaction score
Downtown Coolsville
If you had to pick, which one?
Double-sided Halberd
Greatspear (there was another name for this that I forgot)
Most likely the guandao, or the great spear. I find a halberd or the double-sided variant too "bulky". The Guandao or the Naginata are more solid.
Depends on enviroment, terms, conditions etc.
Sometimes you need screwdriwer, sometimes hammer, sometimes saw, sometimes scalpel, sometimes microscope.
Depends on enviroment, terms, conditions etc.
Sometimes you need screwdriwer, sometimes hammer, sometimes saw, sometimes scalpel, sometimes microscope.
Let's say you were in a gladiator arena and were fighting to the death with someone. Which one would you choose?
If you had to pick, which one?
Double-sided Halberd
Greatspear (there was another name for this that I forgot)
Probably none. Wielding a weapon you don't know how to use is considerably worse than fighting empty-handed.
Probably none. Wielding a weapon you don't know how to use is considerably worse than fighting empty-handed.

Go find a friend who has no weapons experience and give them a rubber knife or nerf bat.

See how well you do.
Probably none. Wielding a weapon you don't know how to use is considerably worse than fighting empty-handed.
I saw you wielding a bo staff (I think) in another post. I think the staff counts as a long-range melee weapon???
And spear. Because all the action happens as far from me as possible.
Probably none. Wielding a weapon you don't know how to use is considerably worse than fighting empty-handed.
Remember you can't win against a fully armed gladiator with only your bare fists. Remember, he probably has armor too, because no one in their right mind would fight to death buck naked XD
Remember you can't win against a fully armed gladiator with only your bare fists. Remember, he probably has armor too, because no one in their right mind would fight to death buck naked XD

Ever heard of pankration?
Agreed. The revolver is not really the best handgun choice. Too limited. I'd pick my handy dandy Glock 17. Lighter, easier to conceal, triple the rounds, and far far faster for a normal human being to reload.
Aren't glocks really uncomfortable? I've heard their grips are weird. My uncle had a handgun he let me try to use in Bulgaria, I don't understand how soldiers get used to guns. My ears were ringing from just one round - felt like I'd just fired a damn mortar shell.
Remember you can't win against a fully armed gladiator with only your bare fists. Remember, he probably has armor too, because no one in their right mind would fight to death buck naked XD
Brass knuckles
Aren't glocks really uncomfortable? I've heard their grips are weird. My uncle had a handgun he let me try to use in Bulgaria, I don't understand how soldiers get used to guns. My ears were ringing from just one round - felt like I'd just fired a damn mortar shell.
I don't know?? I've never touched a gun in my entire life because owning a gun without a "hunter's permit" which allows you to purchase a variety of hunter's rifles and shotguns here in Germany is illegal. Or if you are a police officer or reserve/military unit.
Aren't glocks really uncomfortable?

No. I've fired at least 30,000 rounds through my various Glocks. They're as comfortable as any gun.

I've heard their grips are weird.

All guns feel different. If you don't like the way the grips feel, modify them.

My uncle had a handgun he let me try to use in Bulgaria, I don't understand how soldiers get used to guns. My ears were ringing from just one round - felt like I'd just fired a damn mortar shell.


Wear earplugs. Or add a suppressor.