Logging in with Firefox - FYI

Xue !!
I brought this to the staff's attention.
Thank you o_O:)
This is normal. MartialTalk (and pretty much all forums) use http rather than https. For the non-geeks among us. https is a secure connection, meaning that the data between you and the site is encrypted, while http sends the data in plain text. That means that if someone does, say, a man in the middle attack, they could read your login and password info.
So why don't we use https? Because it requires a bunch of unnecessary work. There's no profit in stealing someones forum login. People looking to steal info are going to be interested in your Amazon account or your bank account. Not your MartialTalk account.
This is normal. MartialTalk (and pretty much all forums) use http rather than https. For the non-geeks among us. https is a secure connection, meaning that the data between you and the site is encrypted, while http sends the data in plain text. That means that if someone does, say, a man in the middle attack, they could read your login and password info.
So why don't we use https? Because it requires a bunch of unnecessary work. There's no profit in stealing someones forum login. People looking to steal info are going to be interested in your Amazon account or your bank account. Not your MartialTalk account.
I will add that this is one reason you should not re-use the same passwords for different sites. There isn’t any direct profit for a scammer to steal your forum password. But if they can get your name, email, and password they can check to see if you use that same password for something valuable like your bank account or Amazon. (There are also scammers who will get lists of email addresses + passwords and then send you an email saying something like “here’s your password as proof that I hacked into your computer and found incriminating information, now send me bitcoin or I release it publicly.”)
I have the same issue with Netscape Navigator.
Netscape Navigator? Either your computer is very, very old. or you need to upgrade your browser. Switch to firefox, which is made by the same organization that made netscape.
I will add that this is one reason you should not re-use the same passwords for different sites. There isn’t any direct profit for a scammer to steal your forum password
This is actually the easy way to steal password. The only thing a hacker would need is an old password, because it's most like the same one that you use on multiple sites.

Each membership is tided to an email address. so if you have the password to MT then a hacker can gain access to your email that you used to register with. Now he has 2 important pieces of information. An email address and password that is probably used more than once.

If your email ends with gmail.com then they know where to go to log in. Once they get in there can see the other sites that you have memberships with. If you get emails from a bank then they know what back you using and one password unlocks all kingdoms.
This is normal. MartialTalk (and pretty much all forums) use http rather than https. For the non-geeks among us. https is a secure connection, meaning that the data between you and the site is encrypted, while http sends the data in plain text. That means that if someone does, say, a man in the middle attack, they could read your login and password info.
So why don't we use https? Because it requires a bunch of unnecessary work. There's no profit in stealing someones forum login. People looking to steal info are going to be interested in your Amazon account or your bank account. Not your MartialTalk account.
Most forums are using https. Google flags websites aren't secure and give them a lower ranking in search engine results. This means fewer people will find MartialTalk and fewer people will join as a result.

This was such a big move by google that many website hosting services offer free secure https for websites at no extra charge. Https used to be a separate cost now it's the standard.
Netscape Navigator? Either your computer is very, very old. or you need to upgrade your browser. Switch to firefox, which is made by the same organization that made netscape.
I really though this was absurd enough that it would clearly be seen as tongue in cheek. I mean, guys... Netscape hasn't been around for over a decade. Maybe I should have said Opera or Mosaic. :D
I really though this was absurd enough that it would clearly be seen as tongue in cheek. I mean, guys... Netscape hasn't been around for over a decade. Maybe I should have said Opera or Mosaic. :D
yeah totally missed it. I blame Georgia for that. I think 8 or 10 years ago I went to the Department of Labor and they had computers that were still running Netscape 4. I was floored. Everything about that place was just a bad experience.

I just sat there wondering how was that even acceptable and was shocked that it was still able to pull up websites lol. I mean it wasn't even the last version of netscape. At point I was hit with the reality of how bad it must be in a lot of Government Agencies. I was forever traumatized lol. To this day I'm still amazed at it. I'm debating if I would be shocked or not if I go there and still see them using netscape lol.
yeah totally missed it. I blame Georgia for that. I think 8 or 10 years ago I went to the Department of Labor and they had computers that were still running Netscape 4. I was floored. Everything about that place was just a bad experience.

I just sat there wondering how was that even acceptable and was shocked that it was still able to pull up websites lol. I mean it wasn't even the last version of netscape. At point I was hit with the reality of how bad it must be in a lot of Government Agencies. I was forever traumatized lol. To this day I'm still amazed at it. I'm debating if I would be shocked or not if I go there and still see them using netscape lol.
I'm sure it depends on which agency, but I think states have it rough in general, compared to Federal agencies.
I'm sure it depends on which agency, but I think states have it rough in general, compared to Federal agencies.

In my state that is it exactly, depends on which agency. Some are up to date, others are running things so old it is amazing to me it is still operating...but as far as I know, no one is running Netscape.
Some are up to date, others are running things so old it is amazing to me it is still operating...but as far as I know, no one is running Netscape.
Sounds like a mission.

Real Stats for what people are using to visit a website in 2021. Windows 95, 98, Windows 3. (note even sure how that even works). I'm surprised that the Internet doesn't kill some of these Machines. lol.
Sounds like a mission.

Real Stats for what people are using to visit a website in 2021. Windows 95, 98, Windows 3. (note even sure how that even works). I'm surprised that the Internet doesn't kill some of these Machines. lol.
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My first OS cert was Windows 3.11 - still have a set of floppy disks to install it too :)

I know most offices are running Windows 7 or better. My office has always upgraded when at or before OS EOL and we run multiple OS. However I know some do not

My old department, Windows 98going to XP days, I discovered in one of the offices an old PC in their back room on the floor. It was an old OS 2 (I think) box for old ASCII tables that they said was incredibly important and had data on it they, and I quote, "might need someday"

We confiscated it. it was never going to see our network
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I remember upgrading to windows 3 on my screaming fast 486dx machine... In 1994. :)
ha ha ha. I just looked that up and I got depressing when I thought about using that thing. Ebay has some for $500 if you are missing the old days.
My first computer was an Apple II. Green Screen. I don't remember it doing much. Not sure what it was used for. It had a printer that feed paper with a wheel with pins on it. I think the family upgraded to an Apple IIgs when I was in the 7th grade. Can't remember doing much on that one either lol. Still trying to figure out how this game benefited me lol.
My old department, Windows 98going to XP days, I discovered in one of the offices an old PC in their back room on the floor. It was an old OS 2 (I think) box for old ASCII tables that they said was incredibly important and had data on it they, and I quote, "might need someday"
ohhh I cracked a rib on this one. "might need someday" That's just too funny,