List of current admin team?


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Covington, WA
At one point, mentors and moderators were removed if they weren't active participants. Have you guys reviewed the team recently and do you guys have a list of the current admins, mods, and mentors who are active?

Also, as a suggestion, have you considered thinking about a little more diversity on the site's team? Might help provide some different voices behind the scenes, and help attract a more diverse user base.
Wait...all these questions makes me wonder..... are you looking to start a coup..;)
Ha. Not at all. I like this place and want to see it grow and be better. I was just thinking that I don't really know who the mods and mentors are any more, and can't think of one off the top of my head who's not a middle aged white dude.
Ha. Not at all. I like this place and want to see it grow and be better. I was just thinking that I don't really know who the mods and mentors are any more, and can't think of one off the top of my head who's not a middle aged white dude.
I'm neither middle aged nor white if that helps. I look both though, so I can see how that can be forgotten.
Duly noted! I am very sorry about that, and genuinely am not trying to forget anyone. :D
All good. As for the mod/admin team. Those that are active (not including the forum foundry paid guys that do backend stuff like web-design and coding), are myself, Tony, Dirty Dog, gpseymour and jks. There are a couple others that are less active, come on once in a while and review the open reports, but from my memory those are the current active ones. That doesn't include the mentors, since there's no easy way for me (that I'm aware of with the current update) to see a grouping of all the active mentors.
Ha. Not at all. I like this place and want to see it grow and be better. I was just thinking that I don't really know who the mods and mentors are any more, and can't think of one off the top of my head who's not a middle aged white dude.
According to 23andMe I am about as white as it is humanly possible to be. But thank you for calling me middle aged. I only wish it were true.
According to 23andMe I am about as white as it is humanly possible to be. But thank you for calling me middle aged. I only wish it were true.
You're welcome. I think you're making the point for me though. Four white guys out of five active mods. I'm guessing the other mods are also men (including the guys who aren't active), and probably also middle aged or older white dudes too.

Jks mentioned thinking about someday reviewing the forum rules. Before you do, my suggestion would be to clean up your mentor and mod groups to remove people who are no longer active and recruit some more diverse folks to fill those roles. and if you can't find anyone, consider why that is the case.
Jks mentioned thinking about someday reviewing the forum rules. Before you do, my suggestion would be to clean up your mentor and mod groups to remove people who are no longer active and recruit some more diverse folks to fill those roles. and if you can't find anyone, consider why that is the case.
Not really interested in a debate on this, but I would pose the thought why does everything have to be 'woke'? I would rather just discuss martial arts without the bull. And yes, I am a minority. If I see politics outside of the study, that would be a fine reason for me to limit my already lessened activity here.
Not really interested in a debate on this, but I would pose the thought why does everything have to be 'woke'? I would rather just discuss martial arts without the bull. And yes, I am a minority. If I see politics outside of the study, that would be a fine reason for me to limit my already lessened activity here.
I am also uninterested in a debate. I'm making a practical suggestion based on a practical problem, which is something that the mods have complained about publicly. Less traffic, fewer new people. You're making my point for me. Not posting often, threatening to post less if anything changes at all, and dismissing a suggestion to improve the situation as political. Would it bother you to have a female moderator? If not, what's the problem?
I am also uninterested in a debate. I'm making a practical suggestion based on a practical problem, which is something that the mods have complained about publicly. Less traffic, fewer new people. You're making my point for me. Not posting often, threatening to post less if anything changes at all, and dismissing a suggestion to improve the situation as political. Would it bother you to have a female moderator? If not, what's the problem?

The lack of traffic stems from other causes I suspect. The substantial discussions have moved to Facebook or to private forums and groups. I asked not too long ago what happened to this forum, and someone suggested FB. I looked up the topics I was interested in and was reunited with some friends who tuned me in where to go.

And yes Steve if your type of preferred moderation means the discussion of politics and culture primarily and not martial topics (realizing this could be subjective), I will leave. That may mean nothing to you, but I at least spoke up for my opinion. It should not matter one bit in MA what gender, race, or creed one has. I flatly don't care and actually I think it's painful that you thought it germane to point out that some of the moderators are white men.

I come here for discussions about MA not anything else. If someone wants to be political, I would prefer discussions of that type be kept to the Study.
The lack of traffic stems from other causes I suspect. The substantial discussions have moved to Facebook or to private forums and groups. I asked not too long ago what happened to this forum, and someone suggested FB. I looked up the topics I was interested in and was reunited with some friends who tuned me in where to go.

And yes Steve if your type of preferred moderation means the discussion of politics and culture primarily and not martial topics (realizing this could be subjective), I will leave. That may mean nothing to you, but I at least spoke up for my opinion. It should not matter one bit in MA what gender, race, or creed one has. I flatly don't care and actually I think it's painful that you thought it germane to point out that some of the moderators are white men.

I come here for discussions about MA not anything else. If someone wants to be political, I would prefer discussions of that type be kept to the Study.
Sorry, I'm obviously not being clear. My preferred type of moderation is the kind that is mostly invisible. I also think the site, as with any organization of any kind, is a reflection of its leadership.

As is usually the case, the person who alleges not to want to have a political discussion is literally shoehorning his politics into the discussion.
As is usually the case, the person who alleges not to want to have a political discussion is literally shoehorning his politics into the discussion.
That was meant as a jab at me, but I would just point out you felt the need to ask that the moderation team be made more diverse not me. You are being disingenous in your accusation.

Done with this topic. It speaks for itself.
That was meant as a jab at me, but I would just point out you felt the need to ask that the moderation team be made more diverse not me. You are being disingenous in your accusation.

Done with this topic. It speaks for itself.
Come on, man. You can't possibly believe that. I've literally explained to you, "I'm making a practical suggestion based on a practical problem, which is something that the mods have complained about publicly. Less traffic, fewer new people." And I think it's relevant because, "I think the site, as with any organization of any kind, is a reflection of its leadership."

You, on the other hand, have said you post infrequently, and are threatening to post even less. If anyone is being disingenuous, it's you, the guy who has admitted he's disengaged from this site, says he seldom posts here anymore and prefers posting elsewhere, and who threatens to leave completely if anyone suggests doing something to change the trajectory of the site toward atrophy.
According to 23andMe I am about as white as it is humanly possible to be. But thank you for calling me middle aged. I only wish it were true.
Culturally, I'm pretty white. Genetically, I'm about half Native American (mostly Cherokee, perhaps some Navajo).
Culturally, I'm pretty white. Genetically, I'm about half Native American (mostly Cherokee, perhaps some Navajo).
23andme says I am 99.1% European. British/French/German/Scandinavian. We're a lowland clan, and family tradition has it that the clan was founded by a peaceful, gentle, Scandinavian sailor who would never dream of stealing anyone's horses or sheep. The Chief of Clan Cochrane is also known as the Earl of Dundonald.
Culturally, I grew up in so many places around the world that I'm probably best described as "confused"...
1) List? Not sure, yet out Badges show Alumni or current state of Staff position.
Example: Alumni
My Advisor status badge is not being displayed.

As to diversity:
We have had women before, just that most are not interested, yet if those are interested then please ask to be a mentor.

As to genetics, I am not sure what it is. Per Verbal : Dad's Side North America (North East) back to 1621 - England.
Mom's side Irish and Scottish from early mid 1800's and some Oneida / Seneca Western NY Native American Indian.
No Paperwork - Click White on all boxes as I cannot prove anything so I will not state otherwise officially.
Since we're on the topic of admins... I'd like to ask: why was one of my posts deleted? I have definitely been respectful, not attacked anyone's character, and barely even implied any disagreement with anything anyone has said. So why was that post deleted? (It ended with "Tatakai to wa, Saigo ni dochira ga tatteiru ka? Sore daka da." and the translation of that.)
Since we're on the topic of admins... I'd like to ask: why was one of my posts deleted? I have definitely been respectful, not attacked anyone's character, and barely even implied any disagreement with anything anyone has said. So why was that post deleted? (It ended with "Tatakai to wa, Saigo ni dochira ga tatteiru ka? Sore daka da." and the translation of that.)
Requests about mod actions are best put in a PM, as we don't generally discuss actions with anyone but the party involved.
Requests about mod actions are best put in a PM, as we don't generally discuss actions with anyone but the party involved.
I understand and respect that, and I would be glad to do so, except nobody reached out to me to explain THAT my post was deleted, for me to even approach them about it. It was just kinda' a ghost action, so I have no idea with whom I should broach it.