Liberal quote machine

The only people who are at fault for the 9/11 attacks are those who planned, organised, supported and carried out the attacks. There is no justification whatsoever for such attacks upon clear non-combatants. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either evil or stupid.
Well I don't want to be evil or stupid, so I guess I have to agree with you! :P
Musicians,actors and directors open their mouths and stupid things fall out. Who'd a thunk it.
upnorthkyosa said:
Oh come on now. Terrorism is a (insert adjective) political activity. And you are saying that the policies of the US had nothing to do with the development of Arab terror politics?

How do you think a normal average Habib, caught in the middle of the Iran/Iraq war is going to feel when he learns that the chemical weapons, the bombs, the missiles, and the guns being used on the both sides were sold to the countries involved by the US?

How do you think a palestinean Habib is going to feel when he learns that the US gives 1.5 billions dollars to Isreal, no strings attached no matter what they do (there is a two way door here, I know)? This is ontop of all of the weapons that we sell/give to them...

How do you think any Arab is going to feel when they learn of the Carter Doctrine which states that the US reserves the right to use our military in order to preserve our access to Middle Eastern oil...

It is going to take a lot of courage to face up to the fact that this conflict has been going on for 40 years and that we have been intimately involved in its escalation. It's too easy to just pin this on the terrorists. Shirking all responsability in this matter is not going to demonstrate American Courage and it is not going to solve any problems.
You bring up some good points . I don't think that any logical thinking person could honestly say that the US government is not responsible for alot of the anger that exist , but to say that "it's too easy to just pin this on the terrorist" ?! I think that you are confusing the issues . The terrorist deserve all the blame for any & all attacks that they have carried out anyware in the world! The US government deserves some of the critisism for their mastakes . One has nothing to do with the other . Blameing the US government for terrorism is a cowardly excuse , used by cowards . It's not like there has been one or two attacks . this is somthing that occures on a regular bases & according to most experts is going to continue for years to come . What about all of the good people in the middle east who live amongst these terrorist ? Isn't it about time to stop worrying about who started it & start facing the real issues . Terrorist are not doing anything constructive to solve any problems that exist . Basically we are talking about young children who are being brain washed by adults with warped minds . This is going to go on for generations to come . I think it's time to stop confusing the issues .
sgtmac_46 said:
Who's being sensitive? I'm certainly not whining, i've got nothing to whine about. I was merely denigrating the asinine statements of a few morons. I'm hardly offended by them, except, maybe, at the shear blatant stupidity behind them. It's just fun to laugh at moronic thinking in all it's forms, whether some leftist senator says it, or Bush says it. I mean, you were just talking about labelling people, and now i'm a war-monger? Way to take the high-ground. Again.
It's called sarcasm. Often when I write a socio-political post, I take my tongue and plant it firmly into my cheek. I am more than happy to bash on both sides of the aisle. The Christian Right and the Looney Left are easy to pick on. I just prefer to poke at the right since they usually fight back- the far lefties curl up into a ball and cry too easily.
On to the somewhat serious response to the post:

sgtmac_46 said:
Everyone needs to be offended from time to time. It keeps them honest. I hear whinning about liberals being called traitors, from people who are the first to call conservatives fascists. Again, if the shoe fits... Also, keep in mind, the hurtful comments above are taken directly from things said by those very leftists themselves. Nobody is labelling anyone anything without context. It's not my fault some moronic leftist thought Bin Laden was building daycare centers.

Who's being sensitive? I'm certainly not whining, i've got nothing to whine about. I was merely denigrating the asinine statements of a few morons. I'm hardly offended by them, except, maybe, at the shear blatant stupidity behind them. It's just fun to laugh at moronic thinking in all it's forms, whether some leftist senator says it, or Bush says it. I mean, you were just talking about labelling people, and now i'm a war-monger? Way to take the high-ground. Again.

It's ok because he's an entertainer, and not directly in charge of any branch of government. I'm far less concerned with the moronic statements or behavior of entertainers than I am elected officials. The fact that an elected official of the US Senate thought Bin Laden was building daycare centers in Afghanistan frightens me. It seems that many on the left have placed all their eggs in one basket in their contempt for Rush Limbaugh. It's almost as if they believe that if they can just demonize Limbaugh enough, they can win the country back. Sorry, it's nothing like that easy.

Then why are you acting as though you are offended. As an independent, why bother jumping on the bandwagon to defend their asinine behavior and statements?

You never heard me say anything like that. You also don't hear me defending asinine thinking on the part of Republicans. I don't defend the "faith based" rantings of many conservatives. But I find it a far cry from the type of "Hate America at any cost" behavior of many on the radical left. Claiming that America deserves to lose the war on terror is beyond the pale.

I think it's the "Hate America at all costs, until we can change it in our image" behavior of the radical left that has given the conservatives their power in the last 20 years. That's what I want to expose, the moronic thinking of the radical left. That's not a free pass for all conservatives, as a moron in their midst is a moron none the less.

You might want to keep that in mind.

And it is up to us in the middle to expose the radical extremists of all stripes. That includes precious leftist ones with big mouths, as well as right wing religious extremists. I find it a bit myopic to claim that I can only criticize right wingers. The left seems to give a free pass to even the most asinine statements of their fellows. I won't leave them to police themselves, thank you.
1- I wasn't picking on you personally Sgt- don't take it as such:rolleyes:

2- I have not ever called conservatives "facists". I have called facists facists. A conservative is merely a conservative. I consider myself a fiscal conservative and a social liberal- thus my registry as an Independant. I think when anyone pulls out the "facist" argumment, they are bordering on losing the debate. If they throw out the "Nazi" card- debate over and you lose. Anytime I've heard the far left decry Bush as a Nazi, in my mind, whatever argument or position they had is lost. Bush is not a Nazi. To my knowledge, he has not advocated the extermination of some 6 million people of one ethnicity or another (though, admitedly, I haven't been in on the latest White House Staff Meetings, so I can't say for certain... ok, there goes the sarcasm again:rolleyes:).

3- I have a problem with either side labeling the other as "un-American" because of their differing political views. Discention IS the foundation of this country. The fact that we can disagree and still shake hands at the end of the day should be the cornerstone of our political and social process. Finding a solution in the middle should be our goal- but we have all become so bogged down with partisan BS that we can't see past it. I am not un-American for having a different opinoin from ANYONE. While the left is guilty of this to some degree, it is the right that is more vehemont about calling any left thought, idea, or policy as stupid and treasonous.

4- The "Hate America" lefties are just as stupid and wrong as the "Faith Based Policy" righties- on that we both seem to agree Sgt. But there is a dramatic difference between hating America, and not accepting the policies and actions of our government and trying to change them. There is nothing more American than that. The right and the left both share that right and responsibility. Both ideals cannot be correct at the same time, but both sides are very much American- until they go so far right or left that they have lost sight of reality.

5- Yes, Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. So are many of the people quoted on this thread (and many like it) by the right to slam the ideology of the left. There is a difference here though, Rush is a political entertainer. People listen to Rush to hear his take on politics and the American way of life. Some may even associate their own views with Rush since he is a conservative without doing the research themselves. I look at Rush and Bill Maher as similiar types of entertainers. Maher, however, has always passed himself off as a comedian. Rush passes himself off as a flag-bearer for the conservative cause. Maher's invictive and dialogs have not smacked of hypocricy (agree with him or not- he means what he says), Rush's have.

Barbara Streisand is an entertainer- and a favorite target of the right. She, however, is not a political entertainer. She is a singer. Personally, I think she is ridiculous and hurts the Dems more than she helps them, but she has a right to her opinion- wacky as it may be. What she does not do is go on the air 5 days a week and quote chapter and verse from the internal goings on within the beltway. She hosts a political dinner, says a lot of dumb things, raises some money for the cause, and moves on. Do I think she should be held accountable for what she says? Sure, just like anyone else in this country should. Do I give her statements much weight? No- she's a singer. I don't know anyone who decided where they stand or how they vote based on what she has said. I do know many who have done swo based on what Rush has said. For that reason, I don't think he gets the automatic "oh, he's just an entertainer" write-off. He should be held at least as accountable as she is.

My butt's been in the seat too long- time for some sit-ups, or a snickers....
Good post, but I just have one comment. We go on about entertainers (yes, I'm guilty of this as well) as if they're a separate class of people. They're just regular people that have the influence to get themselves heard in a very loud way.

It's so easy to criticize them and knock them down because we don't agree with what they're saying, but I don't think they're any more or less sensible than the average person. Actors in particular are very empathetic on the whole, and this leads to a kind of unrestrained idealism.

Tom Cruise is still insane though. :D
Conservative quotes...with my observations.

Rush Limbaugh Quotes:

"Did you know that the White House drug test is multiple choice?"

(Given the revealation that President Bush did indeed inhale, I love this one.)

"If you commit a crime, you're guilty."

(Unless you're a wealthy celebrity junkie who commits a felony.)

"There's a simple way to solve the crime problem: obey the law; punish those who do not."

(Unless they're a wealthy celebrity junkie who commits a felony.)

"Poverty is not the root cause of crime."

(At least not the cause for wealthy celebrity junkies who commit felonies.)

"Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream."

(Like voting, which took decades of 19th and 20th century activism. Now ugly wome everywhere can vote.)

"Women were doing quite well in this country before feminism came along."

(Except for voting. And working for equal wages for equal work.)

"They vote with their vaginas."

(Which leads to many men wanting to cast more than one ballot in the ballot box.)

Quotes from Strom Thurmond:

" And I want to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the Army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the ****** race into our theatres, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches."


" Segregation in the South is honest, open and aboveboard. Of the two systems, or styles of segregation, the Northern and the Southern, there is no doubt whatever in my mind which is the better."


" All the bayonets in the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, our schools, our churches and our places of recreation."

" She walks well, she looks good. Let's see how she kisses."

(Strom was known for his passion for fondling women...even when he couldn't sit up in his wheelchair at age 100)

" I love all of you -- and especially your wives."

(Thurmonds retirement speech.)

" When he (Thurmond) dies, theyÂ’ll have to beat his pe**er down with a baseball bat in order to close the coffin lid."

--Senator John Tower (R), Texas.

"As J. Strom Thurmond has passed away and cannot speak for himself, the Thurmond family acknowledges Ms. Essie Mae Washington-Williams' claim to her heritage. We hope this acknowledgment will bring closure for Ms. Williams."

--Thurmond family attorney, aknowledging Thurmond's paternity of a black woman in South Carolina.



Floating Egg said:
We go on about entertainers (yes, I'm guilty of this as well) as if they're a separate class of people.

It's so easy to criticize them and knock them down because we don't agree with what they're saying, but I don't think they're any more or less sensible than the average person. Actors in particular are very empathetic on the whole, and this leads to a kind of unrestrained idealism.

Tom Cruise is still insane though. :D
Technically, they are a different class of people from "regular folks". They are icons. I am, as a MA Instructor, a role model on a small, almost individual scale. I affect my students, and sometimes their families by trying to be a positive influence on them. I don't get into politics or religion in class, since it is not relevant to training. The couple students that like to debate with me do so after class and it is all happy and friendly, no matter how spirited the debate might get. While I would like to think that I, at the most, influence my students to think for themselves and do the research, I do not kid myself into thinking that my words or actions can influence the way they look at policy or how they vote.

Icons, on the other hand, can speak with the authority that celebrity gives them. Look at the clothes that any NBA star or musician wears, and see how many kids are wearing the same thing the next day. Celebrity does give them some influence and greater overall power than the average Joe. While I still stand by my opinion that celebrities have only a marginal effect on how one votes, they do have the power to help those politicians they approve of rise to higher power.

Political entertainers have even greater power than that. I know that as a high-schooler, I didn't really pay great attention to politics and current events until I saw one of the many Mark Russell specials on PBS. For those who do not remember him, he was a political satirist who's shows included music and monologues. He was very funny, and he helped inspire me to study more about the system and politics in general. When I did, he got funnier.

So, entertainers do have more influence than the average Joe, and should be held accountible for their words- on both sides of the aisle.

Hardheadjarhead- Thanks for the Strom Thurmond quotes. He and Jesse Helms just get funnier and funnier everytime I hear them.
upnorthkyosa said:
Oh come on now. Terrorism is a (insert adjective) political activity. And you are saying that the policies of the US had nothing to do with the development of Arab terror politics?
Terrorism is a political activity like rape is about sex.

upnorthkyosa said:
How do you think a normal average Habib, caught in the middle of the Iran/Iraq war is going to feel when he learns that the chemical weapons, the bombs, the missiles, and the guns being used on the both sides were sold to the countries involved by the US?
"Habib" heard wrong. Give me a list of those bombs, missiles and guns supplied by the US. Iraq signed an aid package with the Soviet Union in the early 1970's, who subsequently supplied 90% of Iraq's armament. The French took up the slack for the rest, providing Mirage fighters and exocet missiles. The best evidence the kook fringe has is some allegations that the US allowed dual-use sales (this provided by the Sunday Herald, which is place cited everytime this topic is brought up) and a more asinine allegation that we sold chemical weapons to Iraq. The reality is that Germany and their lax export laws had more to do with Iraq's chemical, biological and nuclear research than any other country on Earth. As for chemical weapons, we had no need to sell them to Iraq, as German companies had assisted Iraq (and Iran) in building chemical weapons plants to produce their own. This asinine assertion that we armed Iraq is smoke and mirrors.

upnorthkyosa said:
How do you think a palestinean Habib is going to feel when he learns that the US gives 1.5 billions dollars to Isreal, no strings attached no matter what they do (there is a two way door here, I know)? This is ontop of all of the weapons that we sell/give to them...
Same way i'm sure the Israelis feel whenever they find out European nations and international organizations have been providing aid and support to Palestinian terrorists who blow up Israeli school children.

upnorthkyosa said:
How do you think any Arab is going to feel when they learn of the Carter Doctrine which states that the US reserves the right to use our military in order to preserve our access to Middle Eastern oil...
Access to oil and US involvement is far more complex than you allude to. The fact is that the US gets most of our oil from Canada, Mexico and Argentina. Saudi oil, for example, falls low on the list. Arab oil, while important to the US, is far more coveted and relied upon by Europeans and Asia (which explains their willingness to support any dictator at any price to keep it flowing). If oil were a concern, we would not have embargoed Iranian oil since 1979, despite it's often cheap market price. It's not just oil that's important to us.

upnorthkyosa said:
It is going to take a lot of courage to face up to the fact that this conflict has been going on for 40 years and that we have been intimately involved in its escalation. It's too easy to just pin this on the terrorists. Shirking all responsability in this matter is not going to demonstrate American Courage and it is not going to solve any problems.
The conflict has been going on far longer than that. Arabs still cite acts committed a thousand years ago as pretext for their holy war. Destroying the root of our enemy is the only cure for this problem. Only then can we consider curing some of the social ills that you have listed.
DngrRuss said:
It's called sarcasm. Often when I write a socio-political post, I take my tongue and plant it firmly into my cheek. I am more than happy to bash on both sides of the aisle. The Christian Right and the Looney Left are easy to pick on. I just prefer to poke at the right since they usually fight back- the far lefties curl up into a ball and cry too easily.
That's true, about the right fighting back. Most people on the right have no problem engaging in heated dialogue on this or any topic. The left is just as incline to call those that disagree with them fascists and then refuse to even deal with them. Knowing that both are wrong at times is useful, as it is clear that you do.

DngrRuss said:
On to the somewhat serious response to the post:

1- I wasn't picking on you personally Sgt- don't take it as such:rolleyes:
I wasn't assuming you were. I've always found your posts interesting and fairly reasonable.

DngrRuss said:
2- I have not ever called conservatives "facists". I have called facists facists. A conservative is merely a conservative. I consider myself a fiscal conservative and a social liberal- thus my registry as an Independant. I think when anyone pulls out the "facist" argumment, they are bordering on losing the debate. If they throw out the "Nazi" card- debate over and you lose. Anytime I've heard the far left decry Bush as a Nazi, in my mind, whatever argument or position they had is lost. Bush is not a Nazi. To my knowledge, he has not advocated the extermination of some 6 million people of one ethnicity or another (though, admitedly, I haven't been in on the latest White House Staff Meetings, so I can't say for certain... ok, there goes the sarcasm again:rolleyes:).
That is true. I never suggested you personally had, I was merely pointing out that many on the left whine about being called unpatriotic, and then call THEIR opposition fascists. They seem to miss the irony in that.

DngrRuss said:
3- I have a problem with either side labeling the other as "un-American" because of their differing political views. Discention IS the foundation of this country. The fact that we can disagree and still shake hands at the end of the day should be the cornerstone of our political and social process. Finding a solution in the middle should be our goal- but we have all become so bogged down with partisan BS that we can't see past it. I am not un-American for having a different opinoin from ANYONE. While the left is guilty of this to some degree, it is the right that is more vehemont about calling any left thought, idea, or policy as stupid and treasonous.
Yes, some of us can disagree. There is a fringe, though, that believes that some day they can participate in a revolution and kill all the conservatives they disagree with so much. Some on the fringe view their fellow Americans as the REAL enemy, and they've said as much. How do you deal rationally with this nut group? Differing opinions I can live with. The belief that I am a bigger threat to America than terrorists (who some of them admire) is something else. Again, the nut fringe is on both sides, I admit. I don't like the beliefs of some far right conservatives. But it seems to me as if the Democratic party is trying to move FURTHER toward that fringe.

DngrRuss said:
4- The "Hate America" lefties are just as stupid and wrong as the "Faith Based Policy" righties- on that we both seem to agree Sgt. But there is a dramatic difference between hating America, and not accepting the policies and actions of our government and trying to change them. There is nothing more American than that. The right and the left both share that right and responsibility. Both ideals cannot be correct at the same time, but both sides are very much American- until they go so far right or left that they have lost sight of reality.
You don't have to accept every policy. But there is a big difference between hating the policy, and concluded that America is the great evil in the world, and that seems to be the angle played by MANY on the left.

DngrRuss said:
5- Yes, Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. So are many of the people quoted on this thread (and many like it) by the right to slam the ideology of the left. There is a difference here though, Rush is a political entertainer. People listen to Rush to hear his take on politics and the American way of life. Some may even associate their own views with Rush since he is a conservative without doing the research themselves. I look at Rush and Bill Maher as similiar types of entertainers. Maher, however, has always passed himself off as a comedian. Rush passes himself off as a flag-bearer for the conservative cause. Maher's invictive and dialogs have not smacked of hypocricy (agree with him or not- he means what he says), Rush's have.
Maher pretending to be a comedian (is that what he is?) doesn't stop him from inserting himself in to politics at every turn. As for Limbaugh, the best (and only) evidence the left has of his "hypocrisy" is his addiction to prescription drugs (i.e. oxycotin). Anyone who has dealt with prescribed oxycotin on a personal level will have an entirely different perspective on this issue. It's one thing to go down to skid row with the intent of buying crack cocaine, and then getting yourself addicted. It's another to begin taken a narcotic analgesic, as oxycotin is, by doctors prescription and then discovering, after you've been taking it at doctors direction, that it is physically addictive. It's one of the dirty secrets of the medical industry.

DngrRuss said:
Barbara Streisand is an entertainer- and a favorite target of the right. She, however, is not a political entertainer. She is a singer. Personally, I think she is ridiculous and hurts the Dems more than she helps them, but she has a right to her opinion- wacky as it may be. What she does not do is go on the air 5 days a week and quote chapter and verse from the internal goings on within the beltway. She hosts a political dinner, says a lot of dumb things, raises some money for the cause, and moves on. Do I think she should be held accountable for what she says? Sure, just like anyone else in this country should. Do I give her statements much weight? No- she's a singer. I don't know anyone who decided where they stand or how they vote based on what she has said. I do know many who have done swo based on what Rush has said. For that reason, I don't think he gets the automatic "oh, he's just an entertainer" write-off. He should be held at least as accountable as she is.
Keep in mind that during the entire Clinton administration, Limbaugh never once simulated his assassination on his radio show. If you want to look at political access in hyperbole, you might catch a little Air America (if you happen to live in one of the three markets where it actually airs).

My butt's been in the seat too long- time for some sit-ups, or a snickers.... [/QUOTE] Good luck with those sit-ups...stay away from snickers, they may satisfy but it'll make the situps harder.
hardheadjarhead said:
Conservative quotes...with my observations.

Rush Limbaugh Quotes:

"Did you know that the White House drug test is multiple choice?"

(Given the revealation that President Bush did indeed inhale, I love this one.)

"If you commit a crime, you're guilty."

(Unless you're a wealthy celebrity junkie who commits a felony.)

"There's a simple way to solve the crime problem: obey the law; punish those who do not."

(Unless they're a wealthy celebrity junkie who commits a felony.)

"Poverty is not the root cause of crime."

(At least not the cause for wealthy celebrity junkies who commit felonies.)

"Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream."

(Like voting, which took decades of 19th and 20th century activism. Now ugly wome everywhere can vote.)

"Women were doing quite well in this country before feminism came along."

(Except for voting. And working for equal wages for equal work.)

"They vote with their vaginas."

(Which leads to many men wanting to cast more than one ballot in the ballot box.)

Quotes from Strom Thurmond:

" And I want to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the Army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the ****** race into our theatres, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches."


" Segregation in the South is honest, open and aboveboard. Of the two systems, or styles of segregation, the Northern and the Southern, there is no doubt whatever in my mind which is the better."


" All the bayonets in the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, our schools, our churches and our places of recreation."

" She walks well, she looks good. Let's see how she kisses."

(Strom was known for his passion for fondling women...even when he couldn't sit up in his wheelchair at age 100)

" I love all of you -- and especially your wives."

(Thurmonds retirement speech.)

" When he (Thurmond) dies, theyÂ’ll have to beat his pe**er down with a baseball bat in order to close the coffin lid."

--Senator John Tower (R), Texas.

"As J. Strom Thurmond has passed away and cannot speak for himself, the Thurmond family acknowledges Ms. Essie Mae Washington-Williams' claim to her heritage. We hope this acknowledgment will bring closure for Ms. Williams."

--Thurmond family attorney, aknowledging Thurmond's paternity of a black woman in South Carolina.



If Rush Limbaugh and Strom Thurman are the best you have, we're in pretty good shape. It seems Limbaugh (and the now defunct Strom Thurman) are the only real easy targets for leftists. I think Limbaugh would appreciate the irony of being the lightening rod of the conservatives. Since he's not running for any elected position, and his ratings are are better than ever, I don't think he minds taking the heat.

As far as Strom Thurman is concerned, I'll see you a Strom Thurman and raise you a Robert (Exalted Cyclops) Byrd, former high-ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan, and currently the distinguished Democratic Senator from West Virginia and staunch opponent of President George W. Bush. Politics sure do make strange bedfellows don't it?
"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002

"He has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do"
-- Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA), Oct. 10, 2002

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

"We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), Dec. 8, 2002

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003
Tgace said:
"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002

"He has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do"
-- Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA), Oct. 10, 2002

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

"We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), Dec. 8, 2002

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003
But I thought all that was a lie when Bush said it. The House and Senate had access to the same intelligence information Bush had, nothing more or less. They came to the same conclusion, yet...Bush was lying? lol. Some people want it both ways.

To clarify some points made earlier, insinuating the US armed Iraq, i'll provide some hard evidence to contrary...much of it arrived at by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, a group that is certainly no friend of US foreign policy. They do, however, track arms sales.

As the evidence suggests, the assertion that the US armed Iraq is of the most preposterous and asinine breed.

As for the assertion that we are the biggest arms dealer in the world, that is only true if you consider "biggest" to mean "highest priced". We sell more expensive arms, such as aircraft. We also sell most of them to places like Canada, Poland, Greece, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Australia, Japan and of course Israel and Egypt. Further, the assertion that we sell the most arms to Israel is absurd as well. We actually sell more arms to Egypt than Israel. Kind of shoots a hole in the theory we only care about Israel.

We do not sell arms to Iran, North Korea, China, Libya, Saddam's Iraq or Syria. We leave arming those countries to the French and the Russians who have a more proven track record selling to despots.
Tgace said:
The Poor folks at snopes. It's apparent that they wished these quotes weren't accurate, that's why they spent so much time trying to give them "context" (see spin). That context consisted of saying "Yeah, we said he had WMD and he needed to be dealt with...but we hope we can have a peaceful way to do it." It really changed none of the point of the quotes. They all acknowledged Saddam was a threat, they acknowledged widespread evidence that Saddam was trying to continue to build WMD, and they stated, unequivocally that he needed to be dealt with....just not by a Republican President that they hate.
Well, since 9/11 was really "our fault" anyway can you blame them for not wanting to be too tough on the issue. After all violence never solves anything, we should have just sent them some aid packages and pleas to not attack us again.

I guess those people (including small children) travelling to see their families and those criminals going to work just had it coming. :shrug:
Tgace said:
Well, since 9/11 was really "our fault" anyway can you blame them for not wanting to be too tough on the issue. After all violence never solves anything, we should have just sent them some aid packages and pleas to not attack us again.

I guess those people (including small children) travelling to see their families and those criminals going to work just had it coming. :shrug:
What we should have done is filled a stern letter of protest to the UN...and maybe organized a march to show our solidarity and unity...and legalize medicinal marijuana.

Also, we should have sent a good will ambassador to apologize on behalf of the racist, xenophobic, homophobic, white males of the US, and explain to the terrorist that those people don't represent all of America.

After that, we could have asked for an international arbiter to come in and sit down with us (represented by somebody other than a racist, homophobic, xenophibic, white male) and the Freedom Fighters (i.e. Al-Qaeda), and use conflict resolution methods to resolve the situation.

I think that would have placed us in better standing with the world. I mean, as we all know, the REAL problem isn't the Freedom Fighters, it's racist, homophobic, xenophobic, greedy, selfish, white males.

Did I mention the part about sitting down and smoking some medicinal marijuana? That parts important, too. Legalize!!!
"We advocate biodiversity for biodiversity's sake. It may take our extinction to set things straight" -- David Foreman, Earth First!

"Everything we have developed over the last 100 years should be destroyed." -- Pentti Linkola

"We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects . . . We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres of presently settled land." -- David Foreman, Earth First!

"I do think, if it turns out that this beautiful young girl [Chandra Levy] is gone, I think, and he [Condit] is responsible in some way, you have to look to Ken Starr for a little bit of guilt."
Larry King: "Why?"
Maher: "Because, you know, Ken Starr made it so that you, in the old days, you had an affair with somebody, and you know, okay, you had an affair. The press didn't report it. They didn't make a political criminal case of it. Now, it's almost like you have to get rid of them."
— Bill Maher, Exchange on CNN's Larry King Live, July 27, 2001.

Hmm last one sounds kind of like the same rationale as blaming us for terrorist atacks......

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