LGBT in martial arts.

Or an individual, Like Ellen Degeneres when she first came out. And even though she was completely accepted, she just wouldn't stop roaring. We get it kid, you're gay. More power to you, we don't judge you, just do the damn show and shut up already.

For many people it's like. Well no ****, like when my cousin came out as gay, we were like, uh no **** we knew that a long time ago.

I feel like with Ellen it was the same thing. We all kind of figured she was more than likely gay so when she came out it was like "aaand in other news water is wet."
No, statistically speaking more young men are attacked regardless of sexual orientation.

You don't train with women then? You and the 'guys' have limited conversational topics then if all you can talk about is girls you fancy.

That is us pretty much. And the bisexual girl who trains with us is the worst offender.

She takes photos.
I don't know that America is 50 years behind. Pockets of it, maybe, but not as a whole.

Been teaching since 72. Had openly gay women in my class from 75, for several years. Not common back then, but nobody really cared. all we cared was they kept their hands up. Have friends who are gay. (Have some friends who don't know they're gay). Have friends who have children who are gay. My nephew is gay. Nobody really gives a damn.

My first landlord in Hawaii in 94 was named Lesbian Love. That was her legal name, on her drivers license. Her girlfriend, Ardie, had one of the nicest goatees I've seen to this day. (I still have beard jealously.) Both were hot tickets. They didn't care that my wife and I were straight and we didn't care they were gay.

But I'll tell you what irritates me a little. When a group, any group, goes over the top in a socially aggressive way to continuously declare, repeatedly - that they have brown hair - or whatever, and now your going to hear them roar. Or an individual, Like Ellen Degeneres when she first came out. And even though she was completely accepted, she just wouldn't stop roaring. We get it kid, you're gay. More power to you, we don't judge you, just do the damn show and shut up already.

You don't hear nunes bang on about it. And she has never been accused of being subtle.
But I'll tell you what irritates me a little. When a group, any group, goes over the top in a socially aggressive way to continuously declare, repeatedly - that they have brown hair - or whatever, and now your going to hear them roar. Or an individual, Like Ellen Degeneres when she first came out. And even though she was completely accepted, she just wouldn't stop roaring. We get it kid, you're gay. More power to you, we don't judge you, just do the damn show and shut up already.

I hate people like that and it really puts the LGBTQ community in a bad light. We had someone at work a while ago who was like this. Whenever anyone had anything negative (whether justified or not) about them, their reaction to it was "it's because I'm gay isn't it". It drove people completely insane, not to mention they would take every opportunity to tell us they were gay and proud. This is like the annoying friend everyone has had who doesn't stop going on about the fact that they have a boy/girlfriend.
I hate people like that and it really puts the LGBTQ community in a bad light. We had someone at work a while ago who was like this. Whenever anyone had anything negative (whether justified or not) about them, their reaction to it was "it's because I'm gay isn't it". It drove people completely insane, not to mention they would take every opportunity to tell us they were gay and proud. This is like the annoying friend everyone has had who doesn't stop going on about the fact that they have a boy/girlfriend.

I would probably play along with that. Like when ever he mentions it I'd say something like "oh thanks for reminding me, I had completely forgotten. It's been five whole minutes since the last time you told everyone."
I hate people like that and it really puts the LGBTQ community in a bad light. We had someone at work a while ago who was like this. Whenever anyone had anything negative (whether justified or not) about them, their reaction to it was "it's because I'm gay isn't it". It drove people completely insane, not to mention they would take every opportunity to tell us they were gay and proud. This is like the annoying friend everyone has had who doesn't stop going on about the fact that they have a boy/girlfriend.
Yep I agree with that. You see it a lot in tv shows to these days if there's a gay character they'll go to huge extremes to say they're gay at every minute. If people want equality then it needs to be equal but by doing that it's not treating it as something normal as they're constantly bringing it up. A straight person doesn't spend their time saying how they're straight they just do their thing so gay or bi people should be doing the same thing
Yep I agree with that. You see it a lot in tv shows to these days if there's a gay character they'll go to huge extremes to say they're gay at every minute. If people want equality then it needs to be equal but by doing that it's not treating it as something normal as they're constantly bringing it up. A straight person doesn't spend their time saying how they're straight they just do their thing so gay or bi people should be doing the same thing

Ok. Going a bit insane now. Just becuse you dont talk about something does not mean someone else shouldn't. People can talk about what they want.

Joys of individual freedom.
If they get on the mat I treat them with respect as long as they treat others in like manner.

The "they" in the above sentence is intended universally, not specifically.
I don't know that America is 50 years behind. Pockets of it, maybe, but not as a whole.

Been teaching since 72. Had openly gay women in my class from 75, for several years. Not common back then, but nobody really cared. all we cared was they kept their hands up. Have friends who are gay. (Have some friends who don't know they're gay). Have friends who have children who are gay. My nephew is gay. Nobody really gives a damn.

My first landlord in Hawaii in 94 was named Lesbian Love. That was her legal name, on her drivers license. Her girlfriend, Ardie, had one of the nicest goatees I've seen to this day. (I still have beard jealously.) Both were hot tickets. They didn't care that my wife and I were straight and we didn't care they were gay.

But I'll tell you what irritates me a little. When a group, any group, goes over the top in a socially aggressive way to continuously declare, repeatedly - that they have brown hair - or whatever, and now your going to hear them roar. Or an individual, Like Ellen Degeneres when she first came out. And even though she was completely accepted, she just wouldn't stop roaring. We get it kid, you're gay. More power to you, we don't judge you, just do the damn show and shut up already.

I hate people like that and it really puts the LGBTQ community in a bad light. We had someone at work a while ago who was like this. Whenever anyone had anything negative (whether justified or not) about them, their reaction to it was "it's because I'm gay isn't it". It drove people completely insane, not to mention they would take every opportunity to tell us they were gay and proud. This is like the annoying friend everyone has had who doesn't stop going on about the fact that they have a boy/girlfriend.

It is funny you mention that because I always assumed that. I am a huge supporter of the 2nd Amendment but just roll my eyes and shake my head when someone decides to carry a rifle into a sandwich shop just because "IT IS MY RIGHT!". I always think -Yea, I agree, now please stop screaming "look at me" because now they're looking at ALL OF US. I always figured for every gay guy you see riding a parade float, half naked, while making out with his bf in front of a rainbow flag, there were TONS of gay dudes thinking - I wish those idiots would knock it off.
It is funny you mention that because I always assumed that. I am a huge supporter of the 2nd Amendment but just roll my eyes and shake my head when someone decides to carry a rifle into a sandwich shop just because "IT IS MY RIGHT!". I always think -Yea, I agree, now please stop screaming "look at me" because now they're looking at ALL OF US. I always figured for every gay guy you see riding a parade float, half naked, while making out with his bf in front of a rainbow flag, there were TONS of gay dudes thinking - I wish those idiots would knock it off.

Those are ammosexuals. They don't simply support the second amendment, they worship it to the point of obsession. I myself feel the second amendment is important but what they do is just childish and makes everyone uncomfortable.
Buka said, "Been teaching since 72. Had openly gay women in my class from 75, for several years. Not common back then, but nobody really cared. all we cared was they kept their hands up."

Really? you were having problems way back in 1972 with people not keeping their hands up? I thought that only started with the taekwondo crowd, like mid-80's.....

Sorry. Had to do it. This thread is turning into a teeth-grinder.
Buka said, "Been teaching since 72. Had openly gay women in my class from 75, for several years. Not common back then, but nobody really cared. all we cared was they kept their hands up."

Really? you were having problems way back in 1972 with people not keeping their hands up? I thought that only started with the taekwondo crowd, like mid-80's.....

Sorry. Had to do it. This thread is turning into a teeth-grinder.
I had trouble keeping my hands up in '72. I found standing pretty challenging back then, too.
A recent thread about transgendered in martial arts has come up. So it brought this to mind, I have seen some poor things in the martial arts community about gay and lesbian people.

I personally do not agree with this attitude at all. If anything we should be thankful anytime we get a student or training partner that is gay or lesbian because these people need extra training.

They are more likely to get attacked and threatened because of the fact they are gay or lesbian. Usually by family members too, it would make the most sense to welcome them so long as they are willing to train hard and give it their all.

Frankly, in a dojo, kwoon, guan, school, dojang or whatever you call it I don't much care about your sexual orientation, but then I don't much care outside of those facilities either. I do not announce my sexual orientation anywhere and I don't care what anyone else's is either, you are what you are, what 2 consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of my business and I don't need to hear about it no matter the orientation.
Buka said, "Been teaching since 72. Had openly gay women in my class from 75, for several years. Not common back then, but nobody really cared. all we cared was they kept their hands up."

Really? you were having problems way back in 1972 with people not keeping their hands up? I thought that only started with the taekwondo crowd, like mid-80's.....

Sorry. Had to do it. This thread is turning into a teeth-grinder.

"Way back in 1972"? Heck, bro, that was just the other day. ;)
I have observed what appears to be an uptick in the number of hate-related crimes in the US lately. I find that very upsetting. I will never discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. It is my hope that law-abiding citizens, regardless of their personal beliefs, learn to defend themselves against violence, including taking training on the use of firearms. I will come to anyone's defense whom I feel is being bullied, harassed, picked on, or assaulted due to any of the things I mentioned. I have warned many of my own family that when they come for [insert name of hated minority here] they will first have to come through me. I will never back down. Just so everyone knows, if they think I am on their 'side' because I happen to be white, straight, Christian, and male, they are mistaken. I am on the side of justice and always will be. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking I'll stand by and watch others suffer due to hatred and intolerance; I will not.
Buka said, "Been teaching since 72. Had openly gay women in my class from 75, for several years. Not common back then, but nobody really cared. all we cared was they kept their hands up."

Really? you were having problems way back in 1972 with people not keeping their hands up? I thought that only started with the taekwondo crowd, like mid-80's.....

Sorry. Had to do it. This thread is turning into a teeth-grinder.

"Way back in 1972"? Heck, bro, that was just the other day. ;) you guys ARE old...... I just started my first martial art, Jujutsu, in 1972...and I was just a kid then...but I will admit, we did not always keep our hands up in class either, NOT that I would know from experience and getting hit in the face mind you :D
several people have said they don't advertise their sexual preferences outside the dojo, and this may be true. But just to point out, there is a common double standard at play here. When two gay people hold hands or kiss in public, this is often seen as "advertising their sexual orientation." Not commonly considered so for heterosexual couples.
Frankly, in a dojo, kwoon, guan, school, dojang or whatever you call it I don't much care about your sexual orientation, but then I don't much care outside of those facilities either. I do not announce my sexual orientation anywhere and I don't care what anyone else's is either, you are what you are, what 2 consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of my business and I don't need to hear about it no matter the orientation.
That's it, precisely. I don't go around talking about my sexual activities or orientation. I doubt many people care what mine is (okay, my wife probably does). I feel much the same about other folks.

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