

Blue Belt
Dec 5, 2006
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Hello everyone! It's been quite some time since I've been on here, but it's good to be back. I've been out of the game for a number of years. I've been in the Army, in a place where there were no dojos of any kind, and believed me I looked! Then Afghanistan, but now my time is done and I've somehow landed here in Lexington Kentucky :uhoh:. I am in search of "my art" so to speak, the one that just fits me and I it. During my time in Afghanistan I became very interested in the Koryu arts, particularly those with sword AND taijutsu or jujutsu in the curriculum. Does anyone know of any schools in the Lexington area that fits this description? I know there's a few in Louisville but that's about an hour and a half away, and I realize that's not bad at all and many people travel much more than that, but that would mean I'd only be able to train on weekends. This can be okay but I would like to train as much as possible cause when I get in training I kinda eat and breath it, it's all I think about and waiting till the weekend would be rough lol ! Anyways any help is much appreciated, thank you all !
Again, it feels good to be back on here talking and thinking about all this again !!
Ouch !!! Im screwed once again I guess !! I need to go back to Southern California !!! lol
Ouch !!! Im screwed once again I guess !! I need to go back to Southern California !!! lol

Might take more than 6 hours to get an answer, y'know? Don't give up hope. And you might check with some of the koryu groups to see if they know of anyone closer.
I believe there's a Bujinkan dojo in town, but I haven't checked it out since I primarily do BJJ these days. Also there's a kendo club over at UK. Neither of those is exactly koryu, but they would offer some sword work.
There is an aikido/judo dojo in Westchester that also does Mugai ryu iaihyodo.
The problem with many koryu arts is that they don't advertise much and tend to be particular about who they invite to participate. They also tend to be pretty widely spread and so generally require regular travel for training. My instructor is in California.
I am not familiar with the Lexington martial arts scene but I would just like to welcome you to Martial Talk and thank you sincerely for your service. Hope you find what you are looking for.
There is an aikido/judo dojo in Westchester that also does Mugai ryu iaihyodo.
The problem with many koryu arts is that they don't advertise much and tend to be particular about who they invite to participate. They also tend to be pretty widely spread and so generally require regular travel for training. My instructor is in California.
you're right on the non advertising, which I like, it just makes it frustrating to find lol. I'm not familiar with Mugai. I'm gonna google it now THANKS !!!!
I believe there's a Bujinkan dojo in town, but I haven't checked it out since I primarily do BJJ these days. Also there's a kendo club over at UK. Neither of those is exactly koryu, but they would offer some sword work.
Thanks you, I am aware of the Bujnkan in town, I have done Bujinkan foe a number of years, and that is my "fall back", I'm just trying to see what else there is
I am not familiar with the Lexington martial arts scene but I would just like to welcome you to Martial Talk and thank you sincerely for your service. Hope you find what you are looking for.
Thank you very much, it was my pleasure, and I'm sure I will with all the experience here I will.
Is there Taijutsu or Jujutsu involved in Mugai ryu iaihyodo? From what I see, it doesn't look like it.
There is only a very little as it is a sword school not a jujutsu school. Koryu jujutsu is even harder to find than koryu sword, and I know of nothing in your general area.

There is only a very little as it is a sword school not a jujutsu school. Koryu jujutsu is even harder to find than koryu sword, and I know of nothing in your general area.

sad but true. I guess I have no choice but to branch out to Louisville. I think there's a lot more there !!