I've heard that part of the reason Leung Ting formed his own system of WC was because he and Leung Sheung ended up having a feud, but I can't seem to find any info on it.
Would anyone be able to enlighten me on this?
Yes, there was a
lot of animosity between the young Leung Ting and his first teacher, Leung Sheung, although that's not why Leung Ting chose the "WT" spelling for his teaching system. In fact I've heard some pretty shocking things over the years involving the relationships between Leung Sheung, Grandmaster Yip Man and Leung Ting. If true, then
all of these individuals have a dark side. But the truth is hard to know. One thing I can say is that when I first trained with LT in the early 80's he would not speak the name of Leung Sheung or allow us to do so either.
Interestingly, according to one story, this well known feud actually
benefitted the young Leung Ting. At that time, Grandmaster Yip
also had a very serious conflict with Leung Sheung. The story is that, knowing how much Leung Sheung disliked young Ting, Grandmaster Yip walked into Leung Sheung's class and announced that he was accepting Ting as a student, gravely humiliating Leung Sheung. In fact, as Leung Ting related the story, is was Grandmaster Yip's anger with Leung Sheung, and not Leung Ting's own ability, that allowed him this opportunity to become Yip Man's last closed-door student.