Letting go of anger

Work it out bro, you probably have a lot of time a head of you and regardless of how long this situation lasts it is probably going to be only a tiny slice of your entire life.

My .02 only

One of my nano-mindfulness checks is "What color is the sky right now?" It expands my perspective to something larger than myself, and it's practical too when it's about to rain. :) I've been doing it for years. Today it's thick with stratus clouds, no texture to it at all.

I thought about checking back in with the vet to see if she paid anything, but I'm sure it would just piss me off all over again. I have a doc appointment this afternoon, and ballroom dance tonight. I had to quit my Y membership last month for financial reasons but maybe they'll let me back in today under their "guest" policy. Clubs do that a lot. It's worth a try, especially under the circumstances.
I had to quit my Y membership last month for financial reasons but maybe they'll let me back in today under their "guest" policy. Clubs do that a lot. It's worth a try, especially under the circumstances.

The Y has some pretty liberal scholarship programs, too - if you're having financial issues, talk to them, they have a graduated payment system. About half of my TKD students are on scholarship of one form or another - one's a foster child, two are developmentally delayed adults, one has a financial hardship, and one is a young adult (<25 years old).
Some fabulous insights in the above posts ladies and gentlemen - my compliments to you all.

Sadly, I am the worst possible person when it comes to this sort of thing - one of the lines in my signature even admits to it. It's a bitter aspect of that side of my personality that makes me a good friend - I never forget the good that someone does for me but I never forgive an evil.

I fume and smolder for months on end, no matter how much I tell myself to let it go or not to worry about it. That inner Romulan my bike accident released will not listen to the Vulcan I used to be :( and :o. Just thinking about the subject now awakens again the flames of a grudge I have borne for nearly two decades :eek:.

Amazing how a bump on the noggin can alter your personality huh? It's impossible to describe the all consuming RAGE :flammad: that can overwhelm you leaving no room for rational thought and then just. . . . be gone. But in those minutes where I am Raging I am in a different dimension than 'rational'. I have taken a tire iron to a guy's car. God help the Universe if I had a Warbird.:EG:

You know I feel your pain Mark. :wavey:

I am virtually impossible to have a fight with. You can't hit air. I don't get angry(*). I may disagree, and I may state my opinion, but I refuse to go down that road any further than disagreement. Sometimes **** happens that upsets me. I'll my mull over my emotions for a while (alone, preferably), to digest them so to speak, and then just let them go. I can decide that I am above those feelings and don't want to waste energy on them. Physical activity and MA practice help as well.

I also have a real dislike against pointlessness. I hate wasting time and energy on things that are pointless. Anger is one of those things. Resentment, doubts, regrets... no point wasting time on them. Change the things you can change, accept the things you can't.

(*) There is actually 1 thing that makes me burn with rage, and that is child abuse. I don't know where this came from. From the day I became a father, I can no longer read newspaper articles about people neglecting or abusing children. Every time I read something like that, my imagination tries to picture the pain, suffering and cries of those children. My throat constricts and my eyes start tearing up and I feel a mindless rage coming from a dark corner of my mind. I am generally a 'see things from both sides / look at the context' kind of guy, with an exeption for issues like this. I would be fully supporting of having abusive parents horsewhipped and child molestors crucified. Give me a hammer and by God I'd drive the nails.

The only thing I can do about it is to not read those stories, ignore them when they are on the radio / tv and think happy thoughts. And realize the pointlessness of it all: there is no sense in letting the darkness come out because there is noone around on whom I can unleash it.

But other than that I am really nice and easygoing :)

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