
Wow. No more than 3 years? If I'm honest, I've never really stayed longer than that either, with the exception of the RN, and I didn't have any say in the matter then. :D

I'm just open to all suggestions within IT at the moment. Anyone in the Midlands area of the UK need a junior support/technical analyst? :D No? Ah well. ;)

I'll wait and see how it goes, in fairness, the instability of this job has seen the stress levels rise exponentially, so without it, hopefully it'll be quite apparent, and life will slow down a little...

Depending on which direction I go if I go 180 miles I am still in the same state :)

Not knowing how things work in England what I am about to say may be silly. But here in the US I am facing a bit of uncertainty as well as to whether or not I will have a job (although I have been with the same employer greater than 10 years in IT) because the governor of the state I live in wants to eliminate my department in a cost saving measure :rolleyes: and give it to a private corp. that will cost considerably more (basically a place to give his pals high paying jobs). Initially I was a bit stressed but now I have to be honest my attitude is I could use the vacation. However I do not have the uncertainty of re-employment many in the IT private sector have, I am likely looking at no more than 6 months, if that, before another office needs what I do and they re-hire me. But then it is still not all that certain the good ole gov will get his way just yet, even though he did but $0 in his budget for us.

Basically I am here at this point, Why worry, if I can do something about it then I should do it and stop worrying, if I can't do anything about it they why am I worrying about it at all, it is inevitable. Fight the good fight thatÂ’s all I try and do anymore.

And one more thing, about 15 years ago I had a conversation with a doctor at a hospital I was working at and we were discussing stress. He said then that stress was one of the most underrated killers on the planet. I am glad you went to hear you are going to talk to someone.
Yep, moving around constantly is stressful. Not knowing where you'll be every 6 months just adds to that. So, I've been contacted by my grad line manager today to say words to the effect of "tough, you go where we want you to" and I'm now going to be handing my notice in very shortly.

I've contacted about 3 or 4 job agencies already today, and also applied for about 5 jobs online. So... I have very good relationships with the local job agencies, perhaps one of those will turn something up.

XS, you're right mate, worrying about the unknown has become second nature to me though, and that has to stop. I'll get paid for the coming month, that much is certain, after that, we'll see.

As I said, I think much of the recent catalyst for stress has been working at this organisation. It's odd, but before I started here, I had a sense of foreboding, and there's never been any "honeymoon period" either, which you normally get at most employers. Here, from day 1 - week 1, I was less than convinced of my happiness here, this was before things started going pear-shaped too. How odd that my intuition picked up on this, before anything actually happened. Let's hear it for the good ol' "gut instinct".
That, my friend, is an awesome link. I could learn alot from it as I tend to stuff my anger and that's not healthy either. Much thanks. :asian:

Glad I could help


Been there, done that, bought the coffee cup AND the t-shirt and your right it is not healthy and it will turn on you if you do in long enough...been there done that too.
Cheers Xue, ;)

That was good. I've favourited it, and will read it in more detail tomorrow.

Well, I've been on the happy pillz for a few days now, and although I do feel a lot better, I also feel as though I've been hit by a bus. Really tired and drowsy, feel almost viral. Hey ho.

I've had a "possible" offer of alternative employment also, working in London. Still a long commute, 4 hours a day, it's better than 10 that working for my current company would be! So... Watch this space I guess.


it's normal to feel off for a bit, especially if they have to vary your dose. as long as side effects aren't devastating, i'd give it two weeks to even out. if they are still dragging you down, you might need a different prescription. sounds like things are generally working out though, glad to hear it!


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