If you are talking about iron body bone conditioning then the answer is yes. There are ways to do conditioning where you aren't killing yourself. The way that I recommend is the way that I was taught and the way the my school trains. The goal is only have pain where it's slightly uncomfortable and to continue until you start feeling the beginning of a bruise. Once you get to that point then stop. If you condition until you have big bruises then it will take longer to heal and it will affect the training by taking longer to see results.As you know, most martial arts teach you how to do conditioning. I just wanna know, is there any other way to do conditioning but lesser the pain?
Because whenever I started conditioning, I felt so much pain.
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This is the tapping method. This can apply to conditioning the knuckles where a person will start with punching something soft and gradually punching a slightly harder surface.
In general if you are feeling too much pain, it means that you are going at your conditioning to hard. Don't try to condition your body with the same intensity of someone who has been conditioning their body for years. You have to take baby steps.
As far as conditioning for exercise. Things like cardio and muscle endurance. The only cure for that type of pain is to know your limits and "suck it up."