Lent - giving anything up?

Oh, bugger, is it lent again already?

I was raised catholic. Did the whole thing. Yes, I still have the uniform. No, it doesn't look anything like the movies. People don't seem to realise that there is nothing inticing about a uni-piece navy jumper with the waist somewhere around your ankles.

I'm lapsed, of course. I think instead of giving anything up at all, I'll just try and be nice to people. I think that's the point of what organized religion was supposed to be trying to tell us anyway. So, c'mon non-giving-up people! Lets just lead the "Be Nice" revolution!
Schtankybampo said:
I'll just try and be nice to people. I think that's the point of what organized religion was supposed to be trying to tell us anyway. So, c'mon non-giving-up people! Lets just lead the "Be Nice" revolution!
I'm with Schtanky--let the revolution begin!!! %-} :-partyon: :ultracool :asian: :supcool: :) :kiss: :-popcorn:

"It's the time of the season for loving..." :) - The Yardbirds

Now, now, Samantha, being nice to people is probably the rudest thing you can do. At least in LA. They have no idea how to handle it. It's so completely alien to them that most of the time they run away in fear.

I'm not *completely* altruistic.

Schtankybampo said:
being nice to people is probably the rudest thing you can do. At least in LA. They have no idea how to handle it. It's so completely alien to them that most of the time they run away in fear. M
Schtankybampo said:
Now, now, Samantha, being nice to people is probably the rudest thing you can do. At least in LA. They have no idea how to handle it. It's so completely alien to them that most of the time they run away in fear.

I'm not *completely* altruistic.

No, my family never has been too big on the giving up something for Lent thing. I guess some of us do it now and then, but it's not a huge deal. All I ever do regularly is the minimum suggestion of no meat on Fridays.
I had this sweet little girl in my class say in all seriousness:

"I tried to give up my chores, but my parents wouldn't let me."

The look on her face was priceless. She honestly thought that was a reasonable sacrifice, and was horribly disappointed by the rejection of her idea.


Gin-Gin said:
I'm with Schtanky--let the revolution begin!!! %-} :-partyon: :ultracool :asian: :supcool: :) :kiss: :-popcorn:

"It's the time of the season for loving..." :) - The Yardbirds

Im in........lead the way Schtankybampo! :ultracool
ahem. It was the Zombies. And if you let go of the tonearm while it's on the record, it might play music.
TonyM. said:
ahem. It was the Zombies. And if you let go of the tonearm while it's on the record, it might play music.
Thanks for correction, Tony. Have a great day! :)
RRouuselot said:
YeahÂ…..abstinence ;)

So, in 40 days you...ah fall of the wagon...so to speak. Let me see, that is 325.25 days. We'll have to paint your avatar blue... :supcool: