Black Belt
Here in Kalgoorlie we have three legal brothels. Here is a link to one of them,
If you click on the menu for Services you get the latest prices.
They are fully controlled and medical checks are compulsory for the "Ladies"
Everyone knows they are there and they create a lot of tourist interest. They provide a service that is well patronised in a town that has many single men due to the mining boom here at the moment.
Kalgoorlie also has a large percentage of families as well, we have 11 schools and I have raised 5 children here.Having brothels in town has given the town a bit of a reputation as being a rough tough town, but in reality it hasnt interfeared with the everyday occurences you would expect of any country town.
If you click on the menu for Services you get the latest prices.
They are fully controlled and medical checks are compulsory for the "Ladies"
Everyone knows they are there and they create a lot of tourist interest. They provide a service that is well patronised in a town that has many single men due to the mining boom here at the moment.
Kalgoorlie also has a large percentage of families as well, we have 11 schools and I have raised 5 children here.Having brothels in town has given the town a bit of a reputation as being a rough tough town, but in reality it hasnt interfeared with the everyday occurences you would expect of any country town.