Don, I know that facts and reason aren't any match for smug self satisfaction and self righteousness, but really. Reading a simple history book once in a while shouldn't be too difficult. I know you're offended by some of this, but it's quite simply true. You won't be convinced by anything I say. You've made it clear that you are going to believe what you want, and that's that. But because you ask...
Now, as to just a few of the others...
The Opium Wars, involvement by the Church in the Klan and lynchings, the rights of women prior to the twentieth century, the mass murders of Jews, the Albigensians, the Waldenses, Protestants, Catholics, non-Christians and Orothodox by the Church? Those are all matters of simple undeniable fact. Women not owning property separate from their husbands, voting and the rest? The prevalence of prostitution in pre-20th century America? The demographic transition? The Church's role in all of these? If you can't crack a book, at least learn how to do a simple web search. These are all, every one of them, so completely parts of the public record that denying them is insane.
The Religious Right is against sexuality other than strictly prescribed within marriage and is hostile to contraception and women's rights? Listen to your own Ayatollahs like Dobson, Schlafly, Randall Terry, Robertson and Coulter. They say it every single day. Heck, look at who your Beloved Leader, the Commander Guy, the Decider is picking for to head up family planning, Susan Orr. Look at the record of his women's health commissioner.
Things aren't true because you like them. They aren't false because you find them offensive. They aren't idiocy because they wipe the self satisfied smirk off your face and challenge you.
What sort of evidence do you need?
Sorry, that's a stupid question.
There isn't any standard of proof that would satisfy you. Facts aren't facts if they make you uncomfortable, so there's no point throwing the pearls out for the swine.
Holy ****ing crap, Tellner!