Lee System of Physical Culture (TaiChi)


White Belt
I came across an advert in the Irish Fighter magazine. It's the most recent one (Issue 2 -2012).


Lee Famly System of Chinese Physical Culture (and a logo for the International Taoist Society).

for Fitness|Health|Self Defense

Classes in Dublin City centre. and a contact number: (01) 855 7699

My question is, does anyone know people who trains in this system?
See here:
And there other links online of its purported lineage/roots.
Originally when I saw the ad I thought it might have something to do with the southern family/Shaolin derived Lee-Ka Kuen. But guess I was wrong. I really want to know if there are people out there still practicing the Lee family style, or is it just something found in remnants in Choy Li Fut, Fut (Buddha)-gar and Bak Mei in a basic form?

My father (he practiced Bak Mei in his youth) once said to me a lot of the Lees start with their family style before progressing to another style like Bak Mei. Lee-gar was good for street fighting, but not so much good as kung fu. I think he meant it wasn't really much good to be used against another trained kung fu practitioner, but good in civil defense against the common ruffian.
I do not see anything online that says International Taoist society. I do get International Taoist Tai chi society which is well...:boing1:

Best thing to do is call and ask them. The Lee style isn't as popular as the other family styles and if it were me going to someone claiming it I would really do my research on it because it is a little obscure than say Yang or Chen.

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