Las Vegas Voter Registrations Possibly Trashed

Bob Hubbard

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Las Vegas Voter Registrations Possibly Trashed

Author: KLAS-TV8 Source: (NV)


Employees of a private voter registration company allege that hundreds, perhaps thousands of voters who may think they are registered will be rudely surprised on election day. The company claims hundreds of registration forms were thrown in the trash.

Anyone who has recently registered or re-registered to vote outside a mall or grocery store or even government building may be affected.

The I-Team has obtained information about an alleged widespread pattern of potential registration fraud aimed at democrats. Thee focus of the story is a private registration company called Voters Outreach of America, AKA America Votes.

Two former workers say they personally witnessed company supervisors rip up and trash registration forms signed by Democrats.

Call the Clark County Election Department at 455-VOTE or go to to verify if you are registered.

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Original Thread : Wrens Nest
More: Bradbury Plans To Investigate Election Complaint (Oregon)

Author: Rukmini Callimachi, The Associated Press Source: Oregon Live (OR)


[Oregon] Secretary of State Bill Bradbury and Attorney General Hardy Myers plan to investigate allegations that a paid canvasser might have destroyed voter registration forms.

"There have been allegations made that someone threw out some voter registration forms that had been submitted to them," Bradbury told The Associated Press late Tuesday. "This is a violation of the law and I will meet with the attorney general in the morning to talk about what we can do to pursue this, and to make sure it doesn't happen again."

Bradbury learned of the conduct from KGW-TV, which interviewed Mike Johnson, 20, a canvasser who said he was instructed to only accept Republican registration forms. He told the TV reporter that he "might" destroy forms turned in by Democrats.

Wren Chirps In: This is a mess, Nesties. There are reports of campaign offices on both sides being trashed and/or looted, ballots being rejected for being printed on the wrong grade paper (Ohio) and a myriad of other snafus.

No matter for which party or in which state you have registered, it may be prudent to check with your registrar and verify that you are indeed all set to vote your choice on Nov 2.

Submitted by and Thanks to: Dio

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More: I-Team Investigation Uncovers Voter Registration Fraud (Colorado)

Author: Deborah Sherman Source: (CO)


With just 21 days left until an election in which every vote will count, the 9News I-Team has uncovered voter registration fraud that could cause chaos on Election Day for hundreds, possibly thousands of Colorado voters.

9News has discovered a record number of fraudulent voter-registrations across the state. Secretary of State Donetta Davidson tells 9News she is concerned about what the I-Team has uncovered and wants those responsible prosecuted. "It has just gone rampant," she told reporter Deborah Sherman in an interview Monday afternoon.

Most of the fraud has come from registration drives, where people at grocery stores or on the streets ask you to sign up. 9News has learned many workers have re-registered voters multiple times by changing or making up information about them.

Submitted by and Thanks to: Wolf

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How would someone know that the person registering is a Democrat or a Republican? Is it different in some states? Is it required? Everytime I've had to register, there was not a place to put that information.
i'm not sure how it is in minnesota...i'm automatically registered to vote through my i haven't had to do it myself yet...
In NY, you indicate a party affiliation, even if you pick "none".
Which of course means "My choice wasn't rich enough to buy a spot on the signup form".
Wow. I'm glad that we aren't supposed to put party afilitation on our registrations here. That's just begging for abuses.

(I'm Canadian, so it's all a tiny bit different here)
Ronald R. Harbers said:
How would someone know that the person registering is a Democrat or a Republican? Is it different in some states? Is it required? Everytime I've had to register, there was not a place to put that information.
In California, you have the choice of declaring your political party or not. Same with my home state of Nebraska.
Idaho you don't declare when you register. I believe they glean that information from the primaries as we are only allowed to select one ballot by party. I worked a recent campaign and I think that we had voter affiliation broken down by what party ballot the voter cast in the primaries (info available from the Secretary of State's Office)

Alaska you declared (at least 7 years ago)

Canvaser's can target presumed party voters by where they canvas (gun shows, organic market, union hall, churches and of course neighborhoods). Sounds like the Nevada system was a nightmare waiting to happen regardless of which party abused the system.

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