Language Pt 1 : Was - Anyone heard of Gensei-Ryu?

You guys both deserve a spanking for acting the way that you are.

Now go to your rooms!! :cool:

Edit: I forgot to add this politically incorrect quote I have seen floating around the internet:

Arguing with someone on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you are still retarded.

I know that's a pretty bad statement, but I think it really suits the situation.
Little_Shoto, you're probably right. I'd go to my room ashamed right away, if I could stand up... ROFL! :rofl:
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
side tangent here - is it possible that while we are seeing the romanized (romanji?) version of the words, that the kanji, kana and hirigana (sp) are all totally different?

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I do remember seeing the symbol for Coke in Japanese, Chinese and I think Korean at the Coke Museum in Atlanta. Was close, but it took a long look to realize how similar, yet different they were.

Chinese use kanji for everything, even foreign words like COKE, which makes that language so damn hard. They use the sound of the kanji to approximate the sound of the foreign word.
Japanese use an entirely different set of kana (Jap. Alphabet) for foreign words called katakana, they don't use kanji.
Koreans use both Standard Chinese Kanji and their own Hangul which look somewhat like kanji but in fact are used like the Japanese Hiragana.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Or are we talking the differenece between writen and spoken?

All the dialects in China use the same kanji.
Fukein dialect.

Li ho bo


Ni hua ma


Ley ho um

All would use the same kanji to write the above.

Okinawans use many kanji not found in the standard 1900 kanji approved by the Ministry of Education that were originally established by the GHQ after WWII.
They have to since a good number of their family names donÂ’t fall into that group of 1900.
Okinawan pronunciation is also very different than Japanese for those same kanji.





Sodesune = is that so?


Not exactly “close” are they?

This is why when Okinawans speak their own language Japanese canÂ’t understand a bloody word.
But I guess I should get/learn my Japanese/Okinawan linguistic references from the Web since it is such a more reliable source. :rolleyes:
Much more so than learning it “in country”.

(Just as a side note: When my teacher was an elementary student in Okinawa the Japanese Government enforced a ban on using Okinawan in schools)

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Just looking at things a small bit and trying to weed out the area of disagreement.

I think the area of disagreement is we have a certain anal retentive “Reindeer Roper” that won’t concede he is for the most part pretty clueless about the subject at hand and wants everyone to think he is some kind of hot shot even though he neither speaks, reads, nor writes any of the languages on this thread and his only qualification is looking up stuff on the Internet………and we all know how accurate info on the web is. :rolleyes: