Sr. Grandmaster
Manny's posts inspired this thought:
Well, I am a forum junky, somewhat in remission atm (the story I am sticking to, WoW be thanked)
I do frequent other Martial Arts related forums from time to time and it has always hit me that we have no universal name for the techniques developed. Of course every kick has many variations, but when you talk to people who do not share the same base language (english) as native tongue you do end up with a lot of confusion at times.
I have to admit, I can't get into Korean. After a handful of terms my eyes glaze over, or after the 3rd Kim in the history of our base art...I am lost.
However, when a 'Terminus Technicus' is established communication seems to go much smoother. Not sure why TKD has lost that connection.
True, there is the fact that a lot of people have tin ears when it comes to language other than their own, and over time the terms become corrupted into incomprehensible caricatures of their meanings, but it would aid the exchange of ideas between the branches of TKD.