Kyusho Jitsu

I suggest we open a new thread dedicated to pressure points and there application. I'll open it and then see where it goes. All with knowledge of pressure points are welcome to add information.
ppko said:
Before I do are you pro Dillman or not, I just don't want this thread to end up like the last two you showed up above. Grandmaster T.A. Frazer is one of Grandmaster George Dillmans top three
I'm in Indiana. I've been to several of Mr. Dillman's seminars at Mr. Higginbotham's place in Indianapolis. I believe I have may have met Mr. Frazer, but can't find a picture to be sure.
ppko said:
Great if you don't mind which organization are you in and do you still get along with the other groups, or stay in contact.


Formally, the larger organization I am with is the WMAA. I am also part of a small independent group out in Flint, MI. (FMAC). I head my own little satalite group which I just gave it's new name "Tulisan Eskrima Group."

Get along? I get along with who ever wants to get along with me. I am very opinionated, yet open-minded at the same time. Right after Professors passing there was a lot of in-fighting that I was a part of. I just chose to not worry so much about that stuff now.

In regards to training, there are only so many venues with which one can financially support. Naturally, I am going to support the venues that I feel will most benefit me and the art. That being said, I have not trained with either IMAF organizations formally at a camp or event since Professor passed away. I have visited them though, and I would have no problems being on the floor with them training, or anyone else for that matter. I just haven't had the means/mindset to shell out money to do so, is all.
ppko said:
If you have a video of none of this working and of your instructor KOing George than lets see it if not than stop making false claims that you are either not able or willing to prove cause until I see what you are talking about or you come down to prove me wrong, I would suggest that you stop writing lies.

False claims???
Do I need to have it on video for it ot be false? I guess I need to video tape every second of my life to prove I exist.....
Unlike Dillamn I don't carry my video camera to training.......however, the incident in question of him being KOed is on film and happend at a Birthday seminar. Not my film but I have seen it.
You may want to read an article that was in a magazine called 1984 Official Karate, possibly June edition.
Dillman says about an Oyata Kyusho-tuite seminar he attended "It's like nothing I have ever seen before"........funny thing is Dillman claims Hohan Soken showed him Kyusho before that.

ppko said:
If you have a video of none of this working and of your instructor KOing George than lets see it if not than stop making false claims that you are either not able or willing to prove cause until I see what you are talking about or you come down to prove me wrong, I would suggest that you stop writing lies.

That sounds like one of those great internet challenges to me......:boing2:
arnisador said:
I'm in Indiana. I've been to several of Mr. Dillman's seminars at Mr. Higginbotham's place in Indianapolis. I believe I have may have met Mr. Frazer, but can't find a picture to be sure.
One of my students has been to Mr. Higginbotham's seminar and said he is pretty good.......he also went to a Dillman seminar and said it was junk.
Mr. Higginbotham is one of Mr. Dillman's students, and the DKI events I am speaking of were hosted by Mr. Higginbotham. I have seen Mr. Higginbotham perform the usual DKI techniques, including pressure points, no-touch KOs, and the use of sound to amplify techniques. He was a very gracious host and put on well-run events.
My friend use to be in Dillman's organization till the major split. He refer to Dillman as more of a show off. where Mr. Higginbotham and Mr. Corn knew there stuff and didn't show off like Dillman.
arnisador said:
Mr. Higginbotham is one of Mr. Dillman's students, and the DKI events I am speaking of were hosted by Mr. Higginbotham. I have seen Mr. Higginbotham perform the usual DKI techniques, including pressure points, no-touch KOs, and the use of sound to amplify techniques. He was a very gracious host and put on well-run events.
I spoke to my friend that attended Mr. Higginbotham's seminar.......he said it was before all the "Hockus-Pockus" things like no-touch KOs and sound techniques.....all he did during the seminar was some good old fashioned tuite type techniques.....evidently Mr. Higginbotham has a background in Jujutsu as well.

On the subject of No-touch Kos....I would seriously like to have someone try one of those on me. I would give them the same nano-second of grace period before I would start knocking their teeth down their throat. It might be a neat parlor trick but a useless self-defense technique.
Let me preface by saying I no nothing about Mr. Dillman or his system.
Regarding the idea of a "no touch knock out" being a useful defensive technique or not, does it matter? Apparently it takes a lot of preparation of ki energy to get there, ergo, when you need it in a flash, the necessary prep time invalidates its "usefulness". But is that the point?
If there is a chance that this phenomenon exists, and I reiterate that I'm sure neither way, isn't the amazing part that it exists at all? (I mean, if it does.) How does this fit into our philosophy of what is real, or possible? How can we reconcile this with our training and the efficacy of the techniques or martial realities that we claim to "know"?
flatlander said:
Let me preface by saying I no nothing about Mr. Dillman or his system.
Regarding the idea of a "no touch knock out" being a useful defensive technique or not, does it matter? Apparently it takes a lot of preparation of ki energy to get there, ergo, when you need it in a flash, the necessary prep time invalidates its "usefulness". But is that the point?
If there is a chance that this phenomenon exists, and I reiterate that I'm sure neither way, isn't the amazing part that it exists at all? (I mean, if it does.) How does this fit into our philosophy of what is real, or possible? How can we reconcile this with our training and the efficacy of the techniques or martial realities that we claim to "know"?
There is a guy that is willing to pay big bucks to anyone that can do "no-touch" Kos under controlled far nobody has been able to do it.
One guy named Rich Mooney claimed he could do such things but got busted as a fraud.
You would think that with Dillman's love of the spot light and money he would jump at the chance to get some quick cash.

When I lived in China I saw some pretty strange Ki demonstrations.....some were unexplainable and might have been "the real deal" where as some were just laughable they were so bad.
The no touch KOs I have seen are laughable........this Kiai jutusu ranks up there as well.

BTW, I will be in Kansas City for the Annual Oyata Summer Seminar from July 22~24........if any of you Kiai Jutsu folks want to stop by and enlighten me and possibly Mr. Oyata on how it works feel free to stop by.
RRouuselot said:
There is a guy that is willing to pay big bucks to anyone that can do "no-touch" Kos under controlled far nobody has been able to do it.
One guy named Rich Mooney claimed he could do such things but got busted as a fraud.
You would think that with Dillman's love of the spot light and money he would jump at the chance to get some quick cash.

When I lived in China I saw some pretty strange Ki demonstrations.....some were unexplainable and might have been "the real deal" where as some were just laughable they were so bad.
The no touch KOs I have seen are laughable........this Kiai jutusu ranks up there as well.

BTW, I will be in Kansas City for the Annual Oyata Summer Seminar from July 22~24........if any of you Kiai Jutsu folks want to stop by and enlighten me and possibly Mr. Oyata on how it works feel free to stop by.
Question have you seen the Kiai JItsu stuff, in real life. I am just wandering. Why do you keep up on the attacks against me and GM Dillman, I do not keep attacking you or your sensei. After learning who your sensei was I have all the respect in the world for him, but is it neccesary for you to keep up your charades against me and DKI. I don't know if you got your panties twisted or what but we do not make outragious claims against your organization or any other for that matter. Just because you train with who you do dosn't mean you know it all, for that matter niether do I , but isn't that why we are here to share info..

arnisador said:
I'm in Indiana. I've been to several of Mr. Dillman's seminars at Mr. Higginbotham's place in Indianapolis. I believe I have may have met Mr. Frazer, but can't find a picture to be sure.
Sorry for my last posting to you I was a little defensive. HOw long ago were was it that you were at a DKI event when you think you may have seen T.A.
maybe this will spark your memory there is one pic of T.A. on this website

ppko said:

After learning who your sensei was I have all the respect in the world for him, but is it neccesary for you to keep up your charades against me and DKI.PPKO

Sorry I donÂ’t understand what you mean.......I am merely relaying my opinon based on my encounters with DKI

ppko said:
I don't know if you got your panties twisted or what but we do not make outragious claims against your organization or any other for that matter. PPKO
Not twisted at all.

I am merely stating my opinion based on facts that have encountered after spending time with DKI people.

ppko said:
Just because you train with who you do dosn't mean you know it all, for that matter neither do I , but isn't that why we are here to share info..

I canÂ’t ever remember saying I knew it all, on this thread or any other.

I am here to share info........the info I have learned about Dillman and DKI. I merely wish the members of MT to see both sides of the coin. Dillman has fabricated much of his training background to fit his needs, and he has come up with some pretty bogus claims as well.

I am sure being such a skilled martial artists as you and Dillman are you wouldnÂ’t mind stopping by our
Robert R.,

How close to Michigan does Master Oyata get for seminars? If Kansas is the closest, then I may have to take a trip within the next couple of years, funds and life permitting. I would like to stop by myself someday to learn, or at least see (even though I am not a Karate or or Japanese MA stylist).

To throw some gasoline on the fire...

I have an open challenge to ANYONE who does NTK to try it on me. I have had people try it, to no avail. I have also seen No-touch techniques live from Dillman and other non-Dillman people. I don't buy most of it (although some of the Russian MA stuff might be probable).

Also, many of the pressure point knock out and "Ki" manipulation techniques do not work on me at all. I realize that milage may vary on some of these, however.

There you go...have fun! :flame:
Kempojujutsu said:
Oyata, has two affilated schools in Michigan, one in Lansing the other in Jenison. His web site is

Thanks dude! RyuKyu is Okinawan, not Japanese I see. Boy...just goes to show how much I know! I may visit one of those affiliate schools at some point. Thank you! Keep in mind, though; I am not looking for another MA it train in, as I have a full plate right now. But I always like to learn about other schools/styles, even to the extent that I'd train for a few sessions with them. At the very least, I can recommend people who are interested in that type of style to the right place.

Is it true that Oyata Sensei is currently in Missouri?

Also...isn't there another very high level sensei of a different system in Lansing as well? Sorry to ask off topic questions...

Kempojujutsu said:
My friend use to be in Dillman's organization till the major split. He refer to Dillman as more of a show off. where Mr. Higginbotham and Mr. Corn knew there stuff and didn't show off like Dillman.
Mr. Higginbotham's site still shows him as part of DKI (and I believe he's also associated with Wally Jay's SCJJ)...can someone post more about who split from whom?
ppko said:
Sorry for my last posting to you I was a little defensive. HOw long ago were was it that you were at a DKI event when you think you may have seen T.A.
maybe this will spark your memory there is one pic of T.A. on this website
I've been to two DKI events in Indianapolis within the past 5 years, maybe 3 and 4 years ago (not sure). That does look like him in the picture but it's hard to be sure. I think I also saw Mr. Frazer at a Filipino martial arts seminar in Terre Haute nearly 5 years ago. Youngish-looking guy, big smile, outgoing?

Is he a Grandmaster of Ryukyu Kempo, then? I don't know much about the "great Split" I'm afraid.