Kyokushin vs. Judo

What Is the best colour underpants to wear for judo? What flavour of Pringles is best to eat before judo class? What is the best type of bag to carry my judo gi in? In which compass direction is it best to break wind during judo class?
What Is the best colour underpants to wear for judo? What flavour of Pringles is best to eat before judo class? What is the best type of bag to carry my judo gi in? In which compass direction is it best to break wind during judo class?
Are you serious? Pringles before Judo??? That's just bad training. Lays are the only proper chip (okay, crisp) to eat before Judo.
What Is the best colour underpants to wear for judo? What flavour of Pringles is best to eat before judo class? What is the best type of bag to carry my judo gi in? In which compass direction is it best to break wind during judo class?
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Are you serious? Pringles before Judo??? That's just bad training. Lays are the only proper chip (okay, crisp) to eat before Judo.
If you keep a bag of Lays chips under your gi during newaza, you get really strange looks of concern from your training partner when the chips crumble. Or so I've been told.
If you keep a bag of Lays chips under your gi during newaza, you get really strange looks of concern from your training partner when the chips crumble. Or so I've been told.
Is that a tube of Pringles in your gi, or are you just pleased to see me?

We're getting serious now.
What Is the best colour underpants to wear for judo? What flavour of Pringles is best to eat before judo class? What is the best type of bag to carry my judo gi in? In which compass direction is it best to break wind during judo class?
The answer, of course, is 42.
Are you serious? Pringles before Judo??? That's just bad training. Lays are the only proper chip (okay, crisp) to eat before Judo.
You know what we should try? Borshch before Judo. If all else fails, you are also a walking, kicking chemical weapon.