Kung Fu in S. Cal.


Blue Belt
Jun 29, 2003
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Anyone know of a reputable school, preferably southern but i'm open, in the Southern California area in or near Thousand Oaks?

Do you have a specific discipline in mind? I know Time Cartell [sp?] is in Cali. He teaches Chin Na, which in my opinion is the most realistic and practical Chinese discipline.

It utilizes Joint locks/manipulation, cavity presses, dividing the muscle, tendons and bones, sealing the breath and muscle grabbing. It's techniques can run the gambit of simple pain compliance control to more permenant means. His course seems to be extremely designed for practicality and realism.

Or you can move to Florida and I'll teach you :D, I'm and instructor and use Chin Na in perhaps 95% of the physical altercations I'm forced into.

Take care
It was my understanding from both my Sifu and Dr. Yang that Chin Na is not a complete stand alone system. Not to mention that I hold an Oh Dan, 5th dan, in Hapkido which is a kissing cousin.
They are correct, Chin Na is not a 'style' per se. It is not something you would train in and get 'rank'. If you already train in Hapkido then you would be familar with the conceps and techniques, though by different names. My ranking in Hapkido was pretty easy with the prior Chin Na training.

I use Chin Na/Hapkido techiniques far more than any other.

Do you mean Tim Cartmell? He has a school in Garden Grove? He is pretty well known in XingI and Bagua circles, and yes his chin na is supposed to be pretty darned good!
I don't know how close Irvine is to you but Sifu John Cheng, MD. has a school there and is extremely reputable. He grew up with my Sifu and is part of the US Kung Fu Exchange. If I wasn't training with my Sifu, he would be my next choice. He teaches mainly 7 Star Preying Mantis but incorporates alot of Wah Lum, Chin Na, and even Hung Gar and Eagle Claw. Here is a Link to his website.


Thank you, that is the gentlemen. I very much enjoyed his video tape and the way he presented himself. The tape was practical chin na. Do you know if he has any other material i.e. videos or books?

I teach Northern Shaolin in West Los Angeles. If you're interested, just let me know.


Dou Wanchun

Direct Disciple of Grandmaster Chan Kowk Wai
United States Representative for Grandmaster Chan Kowk Wai