as far as the courts are concerned,you are allowed to use whatever you want to defend yourself....but then you have explain WHY you HAD what you used in the first place.
If you get attacked by 5 guys with clubs and knives...yes,you can use a knife,but then you have to explain why you had a knife in the first place and 8,maybe 9 times out of got a minimun of 2 years for being posession.If it has a locking blade...up to 5 years.
When all is said and done.....
the law is made by a PILE O PANSIES who know NOTHING about thier life being on the line and they never will.
They blatantly ignore any input from hospital services,victim support services or even the beat officers who actually know the truth of things at hand.
At one time (and this dates back to a time when a man could be arrested for being gay...but the was NO WAY a woman could be gay,queen victoria refused to believe that was possible), the police was portrayed as a perfect crime fighting unit and ONLY they could fight crime.The law makers have a fiiiirm grip on the word "vigilante".
Now,in the 21st century.....
Everything insight is banned,NOT because of the lame reason they spew all opver the news.."we trying to keep these out of the hands of criminals"..
but because they are trying to get assaults on the police to go down.
This is the ONLY LEO comminuity on the planet that is unarmed.
Pepper spray and asp batons just ain't getting it.
and the criminal element KNOW the police can't do a damn thing about it.
If you get attacked on you own property,law states you must run inside your house,lock the door and call the police.
If they manage to get inside,you are supposed to lock yourself in a room and wait for the police.
Again,do nothing.
They do lie,sorry,"say" you can defend yourself in your home...but if you hit the assailant more than are arrested for "no-reasonable" force.
If you chase someone for stealing your property...YOU get arrested.
The police are so perfect...they WILL find it.
The police here act as mindreaders.
If you have a spotless record and they pick you at random and find something on you THEY don't like...they KNOW beyond all reasonable WILL commit a crime with it!
If you say you carry a kubaton for done.
If you say the magic word implying self preservation,then you freely admit that you ARE INTENDING to cause bodily harm and ARE a criminal.
Fortunately,the street police are getting wise and taking more things into consideration.But that isn't happening fast enough.
I have recieved 2 pieces of advice off the record here from police....
1) do NOT hang around when you are done! Leave the area immediately!
2) dead men don't argue.
The last one may be extreme,but living here in south london,
you have middle eastern gangs,jamaican gangs(yardies) british "firms" ( look up the Kray twins and the charlie richardson gang) eastern block gangs from all countries,far east gangs(triads flourish here in london) and you have gypsies(pykies) and list goes on.
They fear nothing and nobody.
Why do you think I specialise in knife fighting?
They do.