Master of Arts
It's interesting that different people call a kick by different names. On a youtube video of a Colombian tv show, they called the tornado kick "mom dolyeo chugi", which I thought was a name used for spinning hook kick. They also called the axe kick "chico chugi" which I never heard before. I thought, "that sounds like "guy kick". It's at about 5:25.
In regards to physical condition, TKD is not a good martial art IMO for the average middle age person with a gut and poor flexibility. To me, the beauty of TKD is fast and high kicks.
Chikyo Chagi is axe or chop kick (the old name for the older kick using the heel, as opposed to the sportier Naeryo Chagi, downward kick (using the sole).
The school I attend uses some interesting terminology too. I think it's because the head of our instructor is kinda old-school?
I think the names we use are our school are less common than the names I usually see in print.
- We call the roundhouse kick is an ap dolyeo chagi rather than a dolyeo chagi. So "front turning kick" rather than just "turning kick". I've heard some people say that's to emphasize that you chamber by lifting the knee to the front before turning, and I've heard other people say it's to distinguish the kick from the kind of roundhouse where you strike with the bottom of the foot, toes bent.
- We call the skip roundhouse baleun bal. "Fast foot."
- We call the long front stance ap koopigi rather than ap koobi. When I asked why, I was told "that's the older name".
- We call the spinning back hook kick a hwe chook. No idea why. Would love to know.
- We call the jump spinning back hook kick jugo hwe chook. Again, no idea why.
- We call the jump front kick eedan ap chai. "Second-level front kick."
Hwiro is a verb stem meaning crescent or arc, and chook is a word for ball or heel.
Jugo means 'momentum' or 'swing' , and is used to describe the swing leg before the kick - for example hanbal jugo bandae dollyo chagi would be a reverse turning kick with a momentum leg thrown before it. You could use the jugo term for the similar back kick hanbal jugo dwi chagi.
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