Kukkiwon is developing poomsae for belly-builders!


Senior Master

The 1st Advisory memberÂ’s meeting of the Kukkiwon Poomsae Development Committee was held by the Research Institute of the World Taekwondo Academy last Sep. 20th in Kukkiwon. This meeting was held with the aim of enhancing the current status of the World Taekwondo Academy through newly developed Kukkiwon Poomsae.

During the meeting, researchers and participants actively shared their opinions about the new Kukkiwon Poomsae.

Kukkiwon is currently developing Poomsae for seniors, adults, teenagers, female and obesities. Furthermore, Kukkiwon have selected three organizations which will cooperate with WTA Research Institute and its advisory members for the successful completion of the new Poomsae.
I am curious what poomsae developed specifically for obese people means. Are they slower paced to allow heavier people to ramp up with, or are they expressively designed to include more cardio work than the normal poomsae?

Hey, in my book, even the first form in any system can be a good work out if you perform it correctly and with enough repetitions...
There's also the question of purpose: Are the forms designed to include useful applications for people of differing physiques/conditions, or is this just watering down or repackaging a dance routine to sell to a niche market. I don't like going down the road toward forms being only a movement exercise, though I understand that probably most Taekwondoin view them that way.
I think like a chuby man that maybe the faty pommsae will have not aerial , spining,jumping flanboyant kicks, something like Kungam poomsae I think.

The new poomsae idea sounds so curious, especially once it's KKW who's coming up with it. I'm looking forward to say that. The result can be either appreciated or not, but I hope this leads to a continuous renewal process in KKW taekwondo, maybe wich also brings back mainly the martial aspect of the art -- say, just for the ones who are still interested on that!
Taekwondo dance here we come! If it is anything like what I saw in chicago(bill cho's demo) just shoot me now.
I think like a chuby man that maybe the faty pommsae will have not aerial , spining,jumping flanboyant kicks, something like Kungam poomsae I think.


Just how many aerial, spinning, jumping flamboyant kicks are there in the forms you do? The first jumping kick is in Taegeuk Pal Jang, which is 1st geup, not a beginner form at all. I don't have a problem with expecting higher belts to work on getting off the ground. In my opinion, a good instructor manages each class based on his/her students...don't adjust the forms to adjust the class. You do what you can and work to improve. Balance, flexibility, agility, focus, and power are all important things to work on. We've talked before about the importance of stretching beyond current limits, or for us "seasoned athletes", preserving and polishing all that we can. Why lower the bar and give up on something that someone might be able to achieve with effort?
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The new poomsae idea sounds so curious, especially once it's KKW who's coming up with it. I'm looking forward to say that. The result can be either appreciated or not, but I hope this leads to a continuous renewal process in KKW taekwondo, maybe wich also brings back mainly the martial aspect of the art -- say, just for the ones who are still interested on that!

My thought is that KKW TKD is already one of the most constantly evolving styles of TKD. They hold a leadership position in that aspect in the TKD world.

My general opinion: You don't need 'innovation' just for the sake of innovation. Change is not necessarily progress. Progress only results from change if it leads to genuine process or mechanical improvement. I am interested in the idea of forms for overweight people and will follow this as details come out.
Just how many aerial, spinning, jumping flamboyant kicks are there in the forms you do? The first jumping kick is in Taegeuk Pal Jang, which is 1st geup, not a beginner form at all. I don't have a problem with expecting higher belts to work on getting off the ground. In my opinion, a good instructor manages each class based on his/her students...don't adjust the forms to adjust the class. You do what you can and work to improve. Balance, flexibility, agility, focus, and power are all important things to work on. We've talked before about the importance of stretching beyond current limits, or for us "seasoned athletes", preserving and polishing all that we can. Why lower the bar and give up on something that someone might be able to achieve with effort?

Yes sir, you are right in palyang we have jumping front kicks and that's not hard to do for a a chuby TKD black belt like myself, and please read chuby, however what about for example this... a long time a go when I was a teen a pretty fat boy came in to dojang, he was a 12 years old he was maybe 1.62 metres and weighted then an exess of 120 kilogramos if I recall the kicks were hard on him and maybe KKW new program will take care of this kind of children.

Yes you can say we must push a little this kind of boys to loose weight and get in shape but thta's is a long term progres, maybe kukiwon is making some kind of poomsae to help this OVERWEIGHT kids.

My thought is that KKW TKD is already one of the most constantly evolving styles of TKD. They hold a leadership position in that aspect in the TKD world.

My general opinion: You don't need 'innovation' just for the sake of innovation. Change is not necessarily progress. Progress only results from change if it leads to genuine process or mechanical improvement. I am interested in the idea of forms for overweight people and will follow this as details come out.

I do agree with you!
Actually, when I said "renewal process", actually "progress" was the word in my mind. :)
But anyway, haha, it's funny to say so, 'coz despite my impressions, I don't think I could really be able to give a clear opinion wether a change would really mean progress. I've just been reading and talking to people lately, and asking myself if something could be changed for good in tkd. Actually, I must start up a thread with such ideas (questions, actually) later.
Anyway, poomsaes truly and efficiently adapted to different people sound very attractive to me.
I think that adding new poomsae would be absolutely ridiculous. To do so is simply another way for people to get lazy and have a false sense of accomplishment and improvement. Taekwondo is something you need to work hard at to get good at, and you cant simply "make" a new form that's easier for you to do so you can feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I think that adding new poomsae would be absolutely ridiculous. To do so is simply another way for people to get lazy and have a false sense of accomplishment and improvement. Taekwondo is something you need to work hard at to get good at, and you cant simply "make" a new form that's easier for you to do so you can feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Im inclined to strongly Agree.

Even if someone is Overweight, it should be their Goal to Lose Weight, that they may be better at what they do.
In KKW TKD anyway :)
Im inclined to strongly Agree.

Even if someone is Overweight, it should be their Goal to Lose Weight, that they may be better at what they do.
In KKW TKD anyway :)

i concur, that is one of the reasons i began training! you can see my picture in my thread "passed my first belt test" and see i am a big boy. it is my goal to lose weight and be able to actually do the forms and techniques the proper way, not have them watered down or have someone say "well thats pretty good, for a fat guy". no i want to be able to do it RIGHT.
i concur, that is one of the reasons i began training! you can see my picture in my thread "passed my first belt test" and see i am a big boy. it is my goal to lose weight and be able to actually do the forms and techniques the proper way, not have them watered down or have someone say "well thats pretty good, for a fat guy". no i want to be able to do it RIGHT.

Good Mindset to have, Sir.
I do agree with you!
Anyway, poomsaes truly and efficiently adapted to different people sound very attractive to me.

Adapting what is taught to the student based on their physical build is a great idea if you have a lot of time and only a few students. That is how the karate masters taught back in the late 1800s - early 1900s before karate became more popular and thus necessitated a different training paradigm. The older type of teaching pedagogy is partially why there are many different versions of kata like Passai existing today - different teachers and students taught and learned variations based on what they wanted to emphasize at the time.

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